LoW_JacK (Hive Martyr)
05-29-04 03:40
No 510124
      Xylene ? I've seen some bee's swear by it.     

Does it make that big a difference in the finished product if used as a final stage N/P in a Hydriodic/Red Phosphorus reflux ?    I've seen alot of bees using it for p-fed pulling and N/P use at the beginning of the process for either birchbees or HI/RP bees. 

I've found (by watching the real cooks) that the N/P chosen and the amount of lye used to precipitate the goodies has a direct effect on the final meth's smell, taste and to a lesser amount the wire.

So, Xylene???  Replace the ol'Colemans fuel or what?smile

If you cook it right you can fuck all night!
05-29-04 05:32
No 510134
      Ibee have used xylene ...     

twice in the base stage and the only difference noticed was the very strong xylene odor which isn't very pleasent, not to mention eating the seal on the plastic lid on the soda bottle (generic sep funnel), the coleman fuel is very cheap compared to the xylene, the only plus noticed was the very fine bubbles from the shaking seem to settle a lot faster with the xylene but whats an extra 5-10 minutes.Personally Ibee didn't like the xylene at all and will bee staying with the trusty ole coleman camp fuel.

...It's fairly safe...for the most part
(Hive Bee)
05-29-04 06:37
No 510141

Swip think's  not.They are both good for different applications under different temperatures and circumstances.Then again I-bee is a new bee or wanna bee,so take this with a grain of Wareami's favourite salt.Ma.So get with the new solvent as the masses do.Why? Check out Geezmiester's threads and do a search on Xylene!Read all his post's and you will see the light.It is a excellent solvent,who's odour you can be rid of with acetone washes.   However Low Jack,when" used hot" it is a great puller of meth.It can't bee cold though.Hell you know this Jack!If you are gassing it,it is said to hold the least amount of water compared to the other solvents.Then again it is such a good solvent that it will pull some gaks when used to pull pseudo.How-ever these gaks can bee easily cleaned from the Xylene pull along with the smell.Ask Wareami for verification.'Stay low Jack

the walls have ears&watch the planes with the triple flash  white lights =Fed's for sure!
(Of Counsel)
05-29-04 19:45
No 510185
      xylene power     

Xylene is a very powerful, very aggressive solvent. Used for the proper purpose at the proper time it is an invaluable tool. Used incorrectly it can give you trash in your dope.

It is a solvent of choice to clean crap out of the pill mass doing pill extraction, and I use it as the solvent of choice when I precipitate pseudo HCl. I want it to dissolve everything it can during those applications, because in those application I know it will not dissolve the chemical I want to isolate. It is one of the solvents of choice for washing the reaction fluid post-reaction, where I also want a solvent that will dissolve as much trash as anything will and still leave the meth.HI in solution.

I do not extract the meth into xylene after basing because it is too agressive a solvent in my opinion for this purpose, and pulls stuff from the based reaction fluid that naptha will not. I will, after extracting meth from the based reaction fluid, cover it with xylene to scavenge any remaining meth that the naptha might have missed. I let it sit for a day or so, then wash and gas it. I expect this meth to be dirtier than the stuff I got with naptha, since xylene is a more agressive solvent.

The solvent you use to extract the meth has absolutely no effect on the meth molecule. How clean you get your meth after extracting it and before using it has more to do with your skills and cleaning techniques than the solvent you use. If you taste xylene in your meth, you obviously are not taking the time to recrystalize your product. You may not even be rinsing it with acetone. Don't blame that on the solvent. Blame yourself.

Solvents are not good or bad in themselves. They are tools with particular characteristics that can be exploited. Knowing when to use which solvent is something you can learn by experience, or you can just take the time to read the information about solvents freely available on this board and on Rhodium's site. If you UTFSE you will find this matter has already been thoroughly discussed a number of time.

mostly harmless
(Hive Martyr)
05-29-04 21:54
No 510196

Check out Geezmiester's threads


Hell no! Geez doesnt know jack shit...
(tongue<------thats me biting my tongue in jest.) You know your one of my ghetto heros' Geez.

The solvent you use to extract the meth has absolutely no effect on the meth molecule. How clean you get your meth after extracting it and before using it has more to do with your skills and cleaning techniques than the solvent you use. If you taste xylene in your meth, you obviously are not taking the time to recrystalize your product. You may not even be rinsing it with acetone. Don't blame that on the solvent. Blame yourself.

Easy there geez, I'm not gonna even try and argue that point of yours and ,yep, pure meth is pure, non stinky meth.

However back in the days when LJ would run multiple 18g. HI/RP reflux batches ,back 2 back ,to back (flask size), the general consensus was:
When gassing into colemans it would salt out a different flavored product than gassing with diethyl ether, and even different when using hot or cold Naptha.

mad Geez might not care for gassed dope , but back in the day it sold faster than the crystal. The amount of lye used to precipitate the freebase is cruecial in this phase also.
Several DH2O cubes in the filtered post rxn honey, just prior to or after (some do dis and some dilute and o dat) N/p addition gives the gassed, filtereded, acetoned, pressed dry into a slabt's very own smell.

Acetone!  Geez I cant believe you would bash my fond memores of pounding the pavement peddling my areas best go0go and that I would skip acetoning it .
Why because of that whole gram or so one loses back into the N/P?   Even after all that gassed Crank = Stank!

opinions are like assholes, ......

If you cook it right you can fuck all night!
(Hive Addict)
05-30-04 01:29
No 510210
      Hey Now Tiger...     

If you cook it right you can fuck for three daze!
And then some if you used the right solvent to extract it with.tongue
Some bees use nothing but tolly or xylene. They swear by it.
Does it impart a particular flavor to the dope?
Not if the dope is properly cleaned or re-crystaled after extraction.
This might be part of the reason that Rhodium and other knowledgeable bees have been pushing bees toward steam distillation.
Ibee still uses warm naptha because the strong aromatics are a dead give-away ware detection is concerned.
If Ibee could pass for a painter he'd have know problem, but it's taken years of prefabbing rubber rooms to convince the neighboring industrial complex tenants that he runs an insane asylum!laugh

a little less conversation, a little more reaction