Giver_Hell (Stranger)
05-29-04 15:47
No 510205
      Ever seen a white 30mg pill?     

SWIG just recieved some pseudo's and need to know if alky extraction only is ok on the pills.

Actives: Pseudo 30mg

Inactives: Lactose Monohydrate, Micro-crytalline Celluse and Stearic Acid

What is unusual is they come in a white tablet with no red coating like the usual genereic 30's.

The are sold in a red/orange/white box containing 48. These have a exp. date of 10/03. Are they still good?

One person told SWIG that they are just as good as the expensive pseudo 60's that come in a blue and white box that contains 36 tablets.

So what is everyones opinion on these pills?
(Hive Bee)
05-29-04 16:15
No 510206
      date might pose a problem, not much else     

Those pills are fine and should still be good for your desired purposes provided they've been stored in a cool dark place the entire time.

Jizzy Jizzy Bang Bang
05-29-04 16:24
No 510208

Good cause SWIG was going to combine these with the pseudo 60's (blue and white box kind) and just do an alky extraction on them to get the good stuff. Thanks.
05-29-04 17:32
No 510219
      Ok SWIG is getting kinds nervous.     

Ok SWIG is getting kinds nervous. SWIG poured pills into jar, added alky 3x amount, shook hard and let pills soak for about 20 mins. Looked at pill mass to see if all was dissolved, gave it a nice swirl to thoroughly check for any undissolved pills. Set the jar on the table and waited for pill mass to fall to the bottom. Here is where SWIGs problem starts. After about 15 mins. the pills mass has fallen only 1/3rd of the way down and it seems to be stuck there (if it is falling down then it is very, very slow.) It almost appears that there is 3 layers in the jar. The bottom layer is about an inch or so thick pill mass with a textuary look to it. On top of that layer is a more smooth pill mass that is a little more thicker that the bottom layer. Then on top of that is just the clear alky that is about an inch thick. SWIG took a marker and marked where the top of the pill starts and after waiting 5 min or longer it has only fallen 1/8 inch. What gives?
(Hive Addict)
05-29-04 17:49
No 510221
      Stearic Acid     

Swim has re-visited the extraction of blue 60's recently. These pills also have stearic acid in them. A soap precursor that is partly soluble in alcohol.

Melts at a low temp but boils at a high temp... Check chemfinder!

Pseudo and gear will evaporate before it does. shocked

An emulsifier/encapsulator

Post 188144 (SuperAssman: "Re: Turps Cure fucked up", Stimulants)

Swim believes this shit has something to do with an ever present oil upon evaporation that must bee decanted. In the process, robbing yield...

05-29-04 18:12
No 510224
      Ok SWIG read the thread that was given but...     

Ok SWIG read the thread that was given but what do you advise SWIG to do with his jar of pill mass and alky. Pull 3x then evaporate down till it starts to skin then pour dome dry tone on it. These pills aren't even SWIGs. There a friends that gave them for me to whip up a batch with so SWIG don't want to fuck them up.

Update: SWIG poured a little more alky to the jar, gave it a little swirl then waited until it started to clear. This time the pill mass fell down not even a inch. So now SWIG has a jar that has a pill mass that is 3 or more inched thick with a clear layer that is not even an inch thick.
Please help SWIG figure out a way to fix this ugly glob of white shit.
05-29-04 22:21
No 510252
      Ok this is what happened so far.     

Ok this is what happened so far. SWIG put jar contain pill mass/alky in freezer for a little over an hour. Took jar out of freezer, noticed that the pill mass had fallen more which now leaves SWIg with a 50/50 ratio of pill mass to clear alky (better than just an inch of clear alky). Siphoned off clear alky then added some more to the jar. Gave it a nice shake , at first noticed that the pill mass was frozen solid but quicky broke up when shakened. SWIG is fixing to filter the alky after pulling 3x and is wondering if the yeild will suffer to much becasue of the problem with his extraction?
(Stoni's sexual toy)
05-30-04 01:27
No 510272
      Well, give it some time to settle down!     

Well, give it some time to settle down! That might very well take a day or two.

Here is how to properly extract such pills:

Dissolve them in water containing a little bit of HCl. The stearic acid (also coming from Mg stearate) will remain insoluble. Filter to remove insolubles. Then basify the now clear solution. Pfed freebase will precipitate out and can be removed by filtration. The yield will be somewhat low because there's still pfed in solution. Extract the water with tolly 2 or 3 times and add the tolly to the beaker containing the filtered off freebase. Now the freebase/tolly is heated up, decanted from insolubles and water and allowed to evaporate. Et voilą, nice clean freebase pseudo.

BUSH/CHENEY 2004! After all, it ain't my country!