12cheman12 (Hive Bee)
05-30-04 01:26
No 510271
      freebase pseudo crystals     

does the FB pseudo still create pinwheels like pseudo HCL and does it have that awfull bitter taste like pseudo HCL that makes you rush to get some water. What should freebase pseudo look like when then xylene is evaping off?

Also i want to take a photo of it and post it up here, but im not sure if this is okai. So if someone can give me the go ahead on this i will do. Thanks.
(Of Counsel)
05-30-04 09:07
No 510322

While I won't do the search for you, you should find some pictures of such crystals in VideoEditor's Straight to Bee Extraction Technique post. You can find it readily in the Stim Forum Digest Thread.

Freebase crystals are 3 to 5 mm long, squarish cross section almost 1 mm across. You sometimes will grow these crystals as long a 7-10 mm. In  my experience, the larger ones are more likely to have gakk trapped in the crystal. The smaller, finer crystals seem to be the choice ones.

mostly harmless
(Hive Bee)
05-30-04 15:16
No 510389
      okai yeah sweet... should freebase crystals be     

okai yeah sweet... should freebase crystals be able crush up easily and form a powder?
(Of Counsel)
05-30-04 18:41
No 510441
      crushing freebase     

Yes, when dry. It helps to dry these well with a little heat if you want to powder them. If you are going to react the freebase form, you need not powder them.

mostly harmless
05-30-04 19:33
No 510448

this is what freebase crystals look like -
I know it sux to always be told to utfe so I did it for you.
Here is a tip when looking for answers - in the search field author type in geezmeister, you cant go wrong taking his advice.
(Of Counsel)
05-30-04 19:54
No 510451
      the bottom ones     

The bottom ones look like freebase pseudo crystals from a STB extraction, filtered out of freezing cold naptha. wink

mostly harmless
05-30-04 20:45
No 510456
      the top ones are from chilling naptha the...     

the top ones are from chilling naptha the bottom from allowing naptha to cool to room temp before chilling.
This information was of course exactly where Geez said it would be - 
Geez is the omniscent hive bee
We are not worthy
(Hive Bee)
05-30-04 21:40
No 510465
      yeah as soon as i got geez first reply i ...     

yeah as soon as i got geez first reply i headed over to straight to bee and looked at the freebase crystals. Swims crystals look just like that second picture but theres alot of other shit in there too with the crystals. So this is what im thinking of doing. Dissolve the crystals in a minimal amount of xylene then wash once with water, then add equal amounts of water and boil the xylene out to leave the FB crystals in the water and then filter. Would ethanol dissolve the FB crystals because im wondering what else i could use instead of xylene because id like to use something not as strong. The ethanol might sound like a stupid question but i havnt had any experience with freebase.

Edit: i just dissolved a lil FB crystals in metho and let it evap, NO CRYSTALS formed what so ever, Just some kind of whitish powder, im going to dissolve back into xylene and evap and see if the crystals come back.

Edit again: Xylene evape and still left no pseudo crystals, just shit behind that looks like the gak that was with the original FB evap when crystals formed. So im thinking now that when it re crystalized the gak stoped the crystals from forming?
05-30-04 22:40
No 510480
      I am still very new to this so I could be...     

I am still very new to this so I could be about to make myself look like a dumbass but here goes,
Does psuedo dissolve in Xylene ??
Try some dry Isopropyl alchohol - dissolve the psuedo in it and then follow video editors ste method -
(it's in the FAQ)
(Hive Bee)
05-30-04 22:49
No 510482
      They collect moisture very fast, faster than...     

They collect moisture very fast, faster than the salt, because of the loan pair. In my exper.I notice that all amines that have a free lone pair are soluble in water.
05-30-04 23:10
No 510483
      If you dissolve in water make sure that once...     

If you dissolve in water make sure that once it is dissolved you put it in the refridgerator for a while before decanting to the evap dish. Psuedo is soluble in cold water but alot of gaks are not however they are soluble in room temp water.
(Hive Bee)
05-30-04 23:22
No 510488
      okai but where talking bout pseudo FB...     

okai but where talking bout pseudo FB... which is not soluble in water right? i just dissolved the FB in a NP and washed with water twice. The water had some shocking gunk in it that was like a skin. So i seperated the two and evaping the NP now to see what i got.
05-31-04 13:20
No 510586
      Swims FB     

Here is what Swims FB crystals look like up close and personal.

Shit yours are prettier! biatch!
(Hive Addict)
05-31-04 19:54
No 510631
      Can't boil xylene out of water     

You cannot boil the xylene out of the water because xylene boils at 139C while water boils at 100C the water would be the first to go.

Of course fb pseudo will dissolve in xylene but once the crystals have formed you may have to heat it to get them to redisolve or add more xylene.  I would dissolve them in xylene and gas then dissolve the salt in alcohol and xylene followed by a xylene precipitation (geez).

It wasn't Me!
(Hive Bee)
05-31-04 20:50
No 510651
      thanks guys! youve been alot of help. :)     

thanks guys! youve been alot of help. :)