Buckshot (Hive Bee)
06-02-04 18:55
No 510982
      FB Meth newbee question     

I've read several posts that explain how FB meth is an oil.
However, I've seen several posts that discuss FB meth crystals, some even have pictures.

I'm not making a connection here. I've always delt with the hcl form. Is FB an oil? And how does someone keep meth in Free Base form and still get crystals?

Been on this site for years and I'm still a newbee.

Drop Bush! Not Bombs.

(Chief Bee)
06-02-04 19:09
No 510986
      A Matter of State of Confusion     

Freebase meth is an oil. It spontaneously picks up carbon dioxide from the air though, forming the solid carbonate salt - maybe that's where the confusion lies? Or perhaps the fact that freebase (pseudo)ephedrine is a solid?

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
(Hive Bee)
06-02-04 20:38
No 510998
      Carbonate properties?     

Anyone know the shape/appearance of such methamphetamine carbonate crystals?
What about its bioavailability via the various routes of administration?
Would HCl easily replace the carbonate, whether by titration or gassing? What about in the stomach?

..perhaps this may explain some accounts of "weak" meth that is more active taken oral-enterically. Gakk-promoted carbonate, eh?

So much time for so little chaos..
06-02-04 20:52
No 511002
      Amphetamine Carbonate = Needles     

I donīt have experience with meth but my amphetamine freebase gives beautiful needles on the outside (!) of my PE containers when stored for some time. Apparently amphetamine freebase evaporates through the walls and reacts with CO2 from the air.

A little poison now and then: that makes for agreeable dreams.