06-04-04 22:42
No 511507
      Stereoselective Transformations of Chiral Amines
(Rated as: excellent)

   Racemization has become an interesting area of concern recently.

Of course, problems tend to arise in arenas
about which you know almost nothing, or fake knowing something because
the "other guy" likely knows less,
and won't (likely) call you on your bullshit. 

"Ah yes, Levodrine protects the neurons
from dopamine damage,
and that's why you should always get
the racemic product from organic sources." 

 yeah.  you betcha  crazy


In my self-education on racemization
(to try to stay ahead of Marvin, {who (amazingly) is getting smarter himself} 
I have found few references as good as this one.
