place (Hive Bee)
06-06-04 16:41
No 511855
      Remove excess HCl?     


After gassing or titate your FB meth, will a single wash with acetone or NP remove any excess HCl from your dry meth.HCl? Or will the final ReX. remove any exess HCl?
(Hive Addict)
06-06-04 16:55
No 511857

Acetone or MEK...

a little less conversation, a little more reaction
(Hive Bee)
06-06-04 20:39
No 511881
      A single acetone wash of the final product...     

A single acetone wash of the final product should NOT be your only purification step. Take your time and re-crystallize. or use liquid nitrogen to quicken the recrystallization process dramatically.

Isolation is a must for the experimentation of a model subject.
(Hive Bee)
06-06-04 20:54
No 511883
      Cleanliness is next to GOODS-lines(s)     

Take pride in every step of your experimentation- recrystalising yields better product, so take the necessary steps! Besides, its demeaning to scrape dirty brown meth off your plate knowing that, as you rack up, you're a desperate, impatient tweakercool

The shit we go through to get high...
(Hive Addict)
06-06-04 20:58
No 511887
      Nothing Like Rich-E     

UP and Chew-E are right...but the tone rinse should be the first steps to remove trash or the trash will re-xtallize with the goodz!

a little less conversation, a little more reaction
(Hive Bee)
06-07-04 02:44
No 511922
      You misunderstood me, ofcause my dreams always     

You misunderstood me, ofcause my dreams always end with a reX.

My question was, after gassing, do you need to wash your dry meth.HCl to remove excess HCl, before the reX?

but the tone rinse should be the first steps to remove trash or the trash will re-xtallize with the goodz!

I can't remember where, but somewhere I read that NP liquid was suggested insted of acetone? To remove excess HCl from your meth.HCl.

TIA smile
(Hive Bee)
06-07-04 04:28
No 511943
      Listen to ware, and if you have any question...     

Listen to ware, and if you have any question regaurding recrystallizing UTFSE.

NP solvents won't dissolve hcl salts, maybe your thinking of iodine. When you acidify with HCL it just rips freebase meth out of the NP and makes it hydrochloride form (water soluble, not soluble in NP) to be evaporated into powder after its seperated from the NP.  If you wash the meth.hcl crystals with NP solvent it would give it a fucked up texture and stinky, and taste like shit. because the NP won't dry.  Acetone or alcohol on the other hand will evaporate real easy and clean.

Isolation is a must for the experimentation of a model subject.
(Hive Bee)
06-07-04 05:01
No 511953
      after titrating, you can cook off the excess...     

after titrating, you can cook off the excess acid, while it is in the h2o layer. you will know when it is all gone. it comes off all at once, with a nasty smell. temp app. just under bp.
(Hive Addict)
06-07-04 06:50
No 511968
      Will the tone remove the confusion from this meth?     

Livid: I beg to differ here.
Yes you can cook of the excess hcl but you better have a straw sucking feverishly over your evap dish when you do.
Because in order to remove the HCL with Heat, the meth will go up in smoke too.
Never in Ibee's experience has he ever been able to remove excess hcl from product by simply evapping the h2o/meth.
Yes you'll smell the excess hcl and you'll see the fog in the lab created by the heated excess hcl but you'll not completely remove all traces of excess hcl without employing tone or MEK as a rinsing agent.
And for further clarification, Ibee referred to the excess HCL as trash. Remove that with tone and THEN get the rest of the trash out via Recrystallization.
Okie Dokie?

a little less conversation, a little more reaction
(Hive Bee)
06-07-04 10:36
No 512009

What about just letting the crystals cure for an extra day or two, letting the hcl evaporate into the air by itself? Worried about hcl getting stuck in the crystal lattice....crush em.

Of course the dual solvent re-x and/or a tone wash should help too.

Drop Bush! Not Bombs.