Scottydog (Hive Addict)
06-07-04 03:08
No 511925
      Cellulose Acetate     

Swim has extracted alot of yellow oil lately from both 60's and 120's.

From this thread, it says that cellulose acetate may bee used as a polymer coating.

Post 498735 (weaz1dls: "more info", Stimulants)

With the 60's, Swim feels that this yellow oil is internally mixed with the pseudo but with the 120's, is it just the coating?

Is cellulose acetate the dreaded "yellow oil"? crazy

One of the name brand manufacturers of pseudo lists it as an inactive in one of their larger dose formulations.

So maybee some of these pills give the faulty appearance of not having a coating? shocked

By removing the shells from 120's with dry tone and a strainer, is this yellow oil eliminated?

(Hive Addict)
06-07-04 07:16
No 511974
      Wish it were that easy....     

Scotty..according to the patents of late, they are coating granules of the individual components and then pressing them.
The term coating can be easily misinterpretted to indicate an outer shell!
If you consider outer shell to mean of each crushed granule of pfed, you'll be closer to the correct interpretation.
The yellow oil will permeate the extraction process no matter what because in order to release the pfed, you must go through the coating, thereby activating it.
The only solution is to dissolve both the yellow oil and pfed in a solvent that allows complete separation of the two and the yellow oil removed from there.
The slightest amount of this oil left in the presence of the pfed, will screw with the rxn and be transfered to the end result subsequently contaminating it.
Ibee has not found a successful technique to remove the yellw oil from the finished product.
Steam distillation will help but it's not a full cure.
This Yellow oil is also being reported to reek havoc on gassing to obtain the goodz. Frontside and backside.
Ibee's no gasser though so he's only going on the reports others.

a little less conversation, a little more reaction
(Popular Author)
06-07-04 16:39
No 512082
      blue goo     

KOH in alcohol would cleave that ester if you could get at it. See the blue goo report on deconstructionist thought post #100.