Scottydog (Hive Addict)
06-12-04 01:57
No 512886
      Perplexing Solvent Soak of GUPS     

Swim was doing a long soak of 60mg pills (both blue and white) with carb cleaner containing toluene and acetone.

He shook them up together in a quart jar and let sit over night.

Upon taking the lid off, the solvent started to bubble!

The NP is now light green/turquoise.

Swim has never encountered such a thing. Swim syphoned off the solvent as best as he could while it was bubbling and has filtered it through cotton.

The carb cleaner is anhydrous, as far as he knows. The solvent is transparent green now.

The only time he ever sees any kind of discoloration like this is post basing.

Anyone else encountered this? Where should Swim go from here?

Maybee gas the solvent? crazy

The pills contain clorpheniramine maleate, dicalcium phosphate, stearic acid, povidone, magnesium stearate etc.

Swim put the lid on and it eventually stopped bubbling, waited a couple minutes took the lid back off and it is now bubbling again. No heat is being generated. Jar is cool.


(Hive Addict)
06-12-04 02:49
No 512892
      Gassed it!     

Swim gassed it! The green went away and turned cloudy. Nothing of any real significance fell to the bottom. So he was thinking that if there was any theft of the precursor going on, it is minimal.

Swim went ahead and dumped the now colorless but slightly cloudy solvent mixture back into the jar with GUPS and shook it all back up again and the contents settled out but now with a clear solvent layer on top.

Still cant figure out what that bubbling was?

Maybee the green was just chlorphen and povidone, but the rxn has Swim stumped. No bases or acids were present.

Edit: The chlorphen and povidone formed a tiny, clear, goo layer at the bottom of the jar he used for gassing. When cleaning out the gassing jar, the goo turned green again when hit with water.

Well, at least Swim now knows that gassing can bee used to recycle "mixed" wash solvents. cool

After gassing the solvent and mixing it back UP with the GUPS, the lid can now bee removed and the bubbling is gone.

The rxn was obviously influenced by oxygen.

Maybee a weak base is in the composition that gets activated in the presence of certain solvents?

(Hive Bee)
06-12-04 03:22
No 512894
      swim remember reading a post about meth ...     

swim remember reading a post about meth burning green, many bees said this was the anti hist still left in it (clorpheniramine maleate), so my guess is that what turned your solvent green was your clorpheniramine maleate.
(Hive Bee)
06-12-04 06:47
No 512914
      Blue pills or     

Some of the denaturants are released when an np is introduced upfront or by crushing the pills. We may as well asume that what ever is in the pills is highly acetone reactive. Put the two together and??.... SWIW has witnessed the teal color when using jap/tone....Using an NP on the white 60's upfront may initiate a reaction modifying the pseudo salt...we know it is known to release quinone or quinine or whatever (spelling unknown) in some pills.  It could also be from the dye used in the blue pills.crazy