navarone (Stranger)
07-10-04 13:05
No 518531
      please help quick! q about pseudo rxn     

hello u guys!

ok imma leave soon to some othe country for summer and i needed some help quick since i wot have internet where i go.
i used the utfse and came out with not much and opposite information.
ok i noe that the rumor that the pseudo must be extrapure in not true. there can be other shit in it and the reaction will still go on but some chemicals in the pills might fuck up something.

so could u please tell me if any of the following chemicals might affetc the reaction.

1- saccarose
2- corn starch
3- talcum
4- gelatine
5- dibutylpthalate
6- copolimer of ammonium methacrylate type b
7- copolimer of methacrylic acid type 1 and 2

i noe i can do the AB extraction but the problem that i have a lot of difficultie on that one and always mess up so ill do it at the end of the reaction with steam distillation.
will any of theese chemicals fuck up the reaction?
im pretty sure corn starch and gelatine might do sumthing bu i wanna hear from people with more knowledge.

and yeah another quick thing.
i searched on google for the solubilities of the 2 copolimers in the medicine but i didnt find nthing.
so if anybosy knows could u please tell me the solubilities of copolimer of ammonium methacrylate and copolimer of metacrylic acid for water alcohol acetone and toluene.

please help me quick


please dont rate the utfse cuz i did it and didnt find nothig much.

(Hive Addict)
07-10-04 16:15
No 518548
      Ammonium Methacrylate     

>hello u guys!
Damn Nav`a`gator:smile I know english ain't you're first language but can't ya see we're all bee's, not "U guys"!laugh However, there are a few "Y's guys roaming about The Hive!winkcool

Of all the inactives listed above, the methacrylates(Eudragit) will reek the most havoc so it's extremely important that those are removed during extraction or you'll risk coming up empty handed.
Check this out first...
(single page PDF fie)

Then review Prepuce's Gakinator thread.Post 512919 (Prepuce: "Gakinator?", Stimulants)
Barkingburro's thread Post 515327 (barkingburro: "first experiment in throwing eudragit a success", Stimulants)
And also Uncle Fester's thread Post 499089 (UncleFester: "deconstructionist thought", Stimulants)
(I'd have listed U_F's thread first if he wasn't so modest, timid, and unsure of himselfshockedtongue....Just kiddin Uncle Festerlaugh)

For the Standards Data and Application Technology Sheets concerning the Eudragit® family of Gaaks see my thread
Post 494861 (wareami: "Eudragit", Stimulants)(read the 1st 4 PDF files in that thread)

I'll be a good bee and post this info here!

Colourless to light yellow liquids of low viscosity, clear to slightly cloudy. The odour is
characteristic of the solvents.
Colourless, clear to cloudy granules with a faint amine-like odour.

1 g of EUDRAGIT® RL 100 / RS 100 dissolves in 7 g aqueous methanol, ethanol and isopropyl alcohol (containing approx. 3% water), as well as in acetone, ethyl acetate and methylene chloride to give clear to cloudy solutions. EUDRAGIT® RL 12,5 and EUDRAGIT® RS 12,5 are miscible with these solvents in a ratio of 1:1.
[red]EUDRAGIT® RL 100 and EUDRAGIT® RS 100 are practically insoluble in petroleum ether, 1N sodium hydroxide and water. The polymer is precipitated from EUDRAGIT® RL 12,5 /
RS 12,5 when mixed with petroleum ether in a ratio of 1:1. When mixed with 1N sodium hydroxide or water, the solution becomes cloudy or precipitates.

Navarone: The Eudragit® you are faced with are a combo of both RL 100/RS 100 AND RL 12,5 and RS 12,5
The smell of this combo's presenceIN RXNis unmistakable once it's smelled and you'll have an oily mess, if you manage to get anything at all if this is allowed to proceed through the rxn.

Remember, it's not,
"Hi, how are you?" it's
"How high are you?"