BlackBmw1 (Stranger)
07-12-04 10:38
No 518846
      anyone  Bookmark   

hows one know ph when ph chart goes to 8.2 its a pool ph kit  does not say anything on manule....

I Am A Information Junky.. Knowledge Is Power
(Hive Bee)
07-12-04 10:41
No 518849
      if you pool kit is anything like ones i've...  Bookmark   

if you pool kit is anything like ones i've seen, that is narrow range and pieces of shit, you should grab ph papers from ur chem supply store.

hope this helped
07-12-04 10:50
No 518852
      Litmus papers from red cabbage, cheap and accurate  Bookmark   

If you dont remember physical science class in school, then look up Litmus paper from red cabbage. It is an easy as hell recipe: Just boil a head of cabbage and soak coffee filters in your liquid after it cools, cut and keep for hundreds of ph papers to use.
You see, boiled cabbage maked neutral ph paper. Just get a color chart off of the net and work from there. Blue is basic, red is acidic. Pretty damn simple if you ask me.

Alaska Forever Baby