barkingburro (Hive Bee)
07-12-04 15:46
No 518905
      additional success throwing the gaaks     

ok, heres a quick breakdown of what swibb has been able to accomplish. final tallies are not in but in his excitement he thought he should share.

basic synopsis with additional post with exacts to follow :

this is per box of 48 60s
60ml of anhydrous IPA
10ml of 91% IPA

ipa was mixed and divided into 3rds.
1st 3rd was brought to about 40C and then finely ground pill mass was added. ipa was then decanted and set aside. 2nd 3rd of ipa was added decanted and set aside. 3rd 3rd of ipa was added allowed to sit then decanted and remainder of pill mass was also filtered.
alky extract was fine filtered through a charmin plug and was set out to evap slowly. when evap reached a soupy consistency alky soup was x-ferred to beaker with a small amount of additional IPA. to this was added enough hcl to drop ph to 2-3. solute was brought to 40C and allowed to reduce further for 20 min. a few tbspoons of baking soda were thin added and entire mixture began to foam and fizzle. mix was stirred constantly till foaming supsided and mix was reduced to saturation in prep for a rextal. rextal was now begun by rasing temp on mix and and skin over point 1/2 volume of hot MEK was added, mix was left on heat for about 5 minutes, bringin it to a med boil. MEK/IPA/pfed mix was now a yellowish tint. solution was cobvered and set aside to erextal. after mix had cooled pfed xtals were filtered off then rinsed with clean MEK. THEY XTALS LOOK FABUROUS. not fully sure but the yellow oil seems to have now rinsed off with the clean MEK. will be back with full work up and yields. cheers.
07-13-04 02:37
No 519013
      Sounds like your technique is a winner BB!     

Sounds like your technique is a winner BB!  Congratulations. Testing it on 30's tommmorow.

When will BB react his crystalz?  Good luck and way to go.

"Yeah motherfucker I'm high"-Dax