uktrials (Newbee)
07-13-04 10:52
No 519130
      Red liquid in a themomitor     

Swim has used tfse and found nought on this, so he is either a dumb arse or just not using the right words.

o.k. Swim started a LWR last night and all was going well (swim has all the proper equiptment as well), so swim left the reaction to cook over night and came to see what was going on the next morning.

Swim saw that the reaction was still cooking well and all the gasses were still trapped etc, etc.... but to his horror when he looked at the temp on his themomitor, he noticed that the end had blown clean off (the red bulb bit in the RBF).

This meant that swim had glass in the reaction (nothing to worry about) & the red shit that is actually in the themomitor!!!!!

Swim needs to know what this stuff is and if it will kill him if it is not extracted via washes etc. He is going to clean in the normal way a/b.... any suggestions/advice?frown

psychosis...Iv'e either had to many drugs....or not enougth!
(Chief Bee)
07-13-04 11:22
No 519136
      It is usually a relatively non-toxic dye in...     

It is usually a relatively non-toxic dye in either alcohol or toluene solution. None of it is likely to carry through an A/B extraction.

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
07-13-04 12:44
No 519151

Thanks for the info, was thinking that my batch had been totally messed up...

I have another question about crystals that have formed in the condenser but don't know if I can ask it in this thread....

Anyhow, the question was....

Lots of cyrstals have formed in the bottom of my condensor (pure white), and are these meth and should they be washed into the reaction for the remaining 24hrs...?

psychosis...Iv'e either had to many drugs....or not enougth!
(Hive Bee)
07-13-04 12:53
No 519156
      I would     

I'd wash them crystals down with a few mls of Dh20, and continue the 24 hours. You just running a little on the dry side.

07-13-04 14:05
No 519173

Sounds good.... I am just about to do it right now....

Can you please tell me what the crystals are .... Maybe meth?

psychosis...Iv'e either had to many drugs....or not enougth!
(Minister of Propaganda)
07-13-04 15:02
No 519202
      Probably not fully reacted.     

Anything that ends up in the condensor is no longer part of the reaction going on in the flask.

Milk rots your brain.
(Chief Bee)
07-14-04 06:30
No 519376
      PH4I - Phosphonium Iodide     

Those white condenser crystals has been discussed at lenghts before: UTFSE for "PH4I"

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
07-14-04 11:16
No 519412
      Less heat more iodine...     

I had not realised that these were explosive!blush

When these were washed down (with out more iodine) and refluxed once more, I was observing and noticed a small gas explosion... scared the life out of me! Just a little boom! like a boiling bump. I guess that was the crystals going back into the reaction and going off to a certain degree!!

I have another question, slightly off topic but as I am so close to the end result now I need advice...

I have about 50 pictures (from start to finish) and will post some in relation to my work up later.

o.k. I washed the crystals down and slightly flooded the reaction (RP dropped to bottom), so open top boiled to reduce the amount of DH2O until I reached an ideal amount to continue the next 24hrs.

20hrs later decide that I was going to extract as all refluxing had stopped.

Added dh20 and boiled for 5 mins
Added Xeline and boiled 5 mins, added to sep funel and extracted lower layer (which was white'ish in colour, as apposed to top layer being pretty mush clear)

I repeated the last procedure again and got the same results!

Decided that VE's Easiest Post Rxn Steam & Clean for RP/I (Post 310129 (VideoEditor: "Easiest Post Rxn Steam & Clean for RP/I", Stimulants) would be my best option, and proceded!

On adding saturated Lye I have noticed what looks like curdled milk float to the top and ontop of that, not a layer of oil but just a slight shiny glint.

I need to know if this layer of solids is my meth or am I doing something totally wrong.

I have ordered several books of PH paper (which arrive in a week or so), but am without a ph meter right now.

I am right in the middle of this as we speak, so please, any help would be much appreciated.

psychosis...Iv'e either had to many drugs....or not enougth!
(Hive Bee)
07-14-04 19:05
No 519468
      On adding saturated Lye I have noticed what...     

On adding saturated Lye I have noticed what looks like curdled milk float to the top and ontop of that, not a layer of oil but just a slight shiny glint.

Sounds just right.  Don't worry about pH strips for the basing procedure; the important thing is that the solution needs to be of even consistency, and be that milky white colour u describe, and smell fishy, and have that 'shine' on the top.  Then 'gently' distill, wash your fb, pH to salt and evap, acetone rinse and recrystalise. Then you'll b SWEEEEEET cool.  Good luck...
07-16-04 05:46
No 519744
      Settled for an a/b extraction in the end ...     

Swim settled for an a/b extraction in the end followed by DH2O Evap, this was after an unsuccessful gassing atempt (or so he thought). The end product was brown in colour and didn't run very well on foil, but certanly blew my head off and have been awake for 2 days now.crazy

I ended up with about 2g's

Swim was thinking where he could have gone wrong, then realised he didn't do a hot naptha wash so I guess the brown shit was unreacted iodine.

The reaction fluid/lye was kept and swim took another look at the jar this morning and noticed glass like shards at the bottom. He couldn't think how they must have got there apart from maybe accidently mixing some of the prior gassed non-polar with the rxn juice...

They were removed with a spoon and washed and smoked but didn't taste of meth at all... any ideas on what they might have been?

psychosis...Iv'e either had to many drugs....or not enougth!