Agni (Stranger)
07-13-04 20:43
No 519291
      thanks to all the bees out there...     

I wanted to thank every one who has helped me get to where i am! i finaly.. extracted very pure e from some generic red hots with polysorbate 80. ive had much trouble! i did the usual straigh tto e however, i added some japan dryer into my napath ipa mixture, and d reded the red hots before hand using the mek (tiny bits) of water method. Ive made crystal pure iodine from KI thanks to Rhodnium's wonderful site, and am curently waiting for my mbrp to finish drying. the one problem i ran into was with the mbrp. no solvent i have was able to break the glue down much so i had to scrape the pads.. any way ill get back to yall tomorow after my, dreams.. have hopefully came through!
thanks everyone!!!
(Hive Bee)
07-13-04 20:51
No 519296
      MEK is the BEST solvent around for MBRP it can     

MEK is the BEST solvent around for MBRP it can get the pads as white as paper if done carefullylaugh
Not that I use it for an illegitimate purpose smile

May your dreams run smoothly.

Kids, say NO to the DEA!
07-14-04 19:50
No 519472
      hah so far so good     

i fixed the mbrp problem! i would soak the matchbooks in denatured alcohol, and then swoosh em around until my hand gave out.. this time i used mek instead of deanuted alcohol, and then placed lead (fishing) sinkers in the beaker. swooshed that around and walla! im trying to get a suitable reaction vessel for tomorow, so i can dream another dream... any ideas for a good "ghetto" replacment for a test tube? i was thinking of maybe using a small salt shaker.... Maybe a place that sells test tubes for other un chemistry related purposes? flower shop??? Once again thanks to all you bees that helped make this possible!!!
07-14-04 20:11
No 519477
      its always best to get 'real' labware, but a...     

its always best to get 'real' labware, but a good ghetto vessel for small reactions is a lightbulb, just take a metal spoon and smack the metal 'button' on the end of the bulb until it folds inside, then just pull out all of the insides and swish with water to clean out the white powder. this seems to work alright for small rxns
(Hive Bee)
07-14-04 20:12
No 519478
      In my experience, its better to put a few...     

In my experience, its better to put a few drops of MEK onto the striker pad and scrape with a razorblade, all the P comes off in one go, and no filtration is needed, and it also avoids the risk of lead contamintaion from using shotsmile

Maybe you could try using the long cold-cook ala warlock and use a vinegar bottle, they look about the right shape, I don't think they would be good for much in the way of heat, but you might try cold-cooking it long and slow, read the super high potency push-pull thread,

I'm thinking of having a crack at this dream myself soon,
good lucklaugh

Kids, say NO to the DEA!
(Hive Bee)
07-15-04 10:42
No 519609

My friend swim pours boiling, or near-boiling water on his strikers and lets it sit for about 30 seconds, then decants the water.  After this, acetone and a hard shake will remove most of the

I'll get all the sleep I need when i'm dead.
(Hive Bee)
07-15-04 12:19
No 519629
      Trust me, using MEK and just scraping does...     

Trust me, using MEK and just scraping does about the best job of liberating the RP I have yet seen, and with the minimum of fuss toocool

Kids, say NO to the DEA!
07-15-04 12:52
No 519635
      You can use     

hienz vinegar bottle, just DONT PUT IT DIRECTLY ON A HEATING COIL. Use insulator, ie ..  wires, a ceramic tile, flat metal, sand in a metal pot works very well(better than oil bath, less messy) use a small bottle for your intentions.The large one needs at least 14g suze rx.

           Good Luck, EScool