NaXen (Stranger)
07-29-04 04:23
No 522357

SWIMs buddy has managed to capture just over 1/3g of RP from a single box, he said that its clean, but swim has doubts as to how much glass/trash is in it. the average per unit was reported to be ~250mg, 1/4gcool

whats the most you bees have acquired from those large wooden box match pads? anyone ever bother with road flares? once upon a time swim stumbled across a box of old unusable flares and they provided approx 100mg per striker 'button'... this RP also appeared cleaner (perhaps it was the absence of paper?)

(Hive Bee)
07-29-04 04:40
No 522365
      CBP is right     

With the lower grades of the different brands one can expect about 1/4 gram of clean ass red per box, sometimes a little more with the obiviously superior types within the same brands. Yeah only about a half ounce a case, from the shitty kinds.crazy

Swim too has heard reports of a gram per box, but doubts the cleanliness of the RP. Swim would rather have 1/4 gram clean RP than a gram of dirty RP that needs to bee cleaned.  Dirty red will and can foil a reaction, take no chances with MBRP.

  I'd like to have her right there on floor with the 'ol in/out, real savage.
(Hive Addict)
07-29-04 04:58
No 522369
      4g for 10 boxes     

You do the math but that is what swim's buddy consistently mines from boxes o'matchbooks.

On a good day he might get close to 5 but that's rare. It's never been below 3 on the worst days but 4 is what is expected.

This 4g is mined every time for each new rxn and is used to replenish the old leftover stuff. No rxn now is ever run using only used RP.

Geography quiz answer - Albania
07-29-04 06:06
No 522384
      SWIG is jealous to know that there is a ...     

SWIG is jealous to know that there is a certain brand where 4g can be obtained from a mere 10 boxes. SWIG averages .20g a box from his usual brand. But lately SWIGs noticed that his brand must have cut back on the rp as SWIGs average per box has dropped. Guess its time to find another brand.
(Hive Addict)
07-29-04 06:34
No 522393
      SOmething Like     

The best yeilds seem to be from matches initially manufactured by something like The Beaner Brothers.

Geography quiz answer - Albania
08-15-04 06:07
No 525472
      rp from match books     

the most I've seen is a bit over .6/ box of 50. so I always just figure 1 G/ 2 boxes
08-15-04 13:07
No 525508
      the president ones will give u .8g-1g of RP...     

the president ones will give u .8g-1g of RP per box.
08-15-04 19:42
No 525550

.6? .8? 1.0?? those are some great books!!!cool SWIM is ususally happy with .25
