relic2279 (Stranger)
07-26-04 11:36
No 521773

Being a new"bee", (never attempted a synth yet) Charlie's post was extremely helpful and easy to understand. You should post more, Charlie ;) Well, this is my first post and it won't be my last... Oh a bit of advice to newbie lurkers just like me, take some time and UTFSE, I've been doin it for about 2 weeks now and you really can find what you need. Just look!

Chance favors the prepared mind.
(Bizarre pHomme de Terra)
07-26-04 11:42
No 521774

in the effort to add all the ingrediants for a dream, perhaps we over-look the one to subtract: air.

i could bee wrong, but the air that is in your flask at the onset, does no good..and can do some harm.
those newbees using balloons have to watch them nervously; wondering if they might pop. alot of times, the balloons never swell any larger than what is required to hold the flask's air.
why add an extra load to your worries?
swim's never dreamt a flask fire, but i think the air entrapped in the rxn containment device can only increase the liklihood of adequate O2 for combustion.
by evacuating the original air contents from the flask in a sealed rxn, one is likely to have a vaccum by the time the rxn is played, with outside air trying to fill the space it used to occupy.

i mention this , beecause it beecomes a bigger problem in this approach, then the usual, outward pressure...
and, it is pretty easy to design a rig to accomodate this implosion at the end of the rxn, so it needn't bee baby-sat.

about balloons:

why not use a bladder instead? like a plastic bag that has no air in it. it doesn't need to stretch, like a balloon, so it doesn't offer resistance to the inflow of gasses, should there bee any. this is significant, perhaps, beecause a balloon, with its resistance, traps a concentration of Hi right where you have it strapped on. that spot is under constant corrosive assault.
with the flattened bag tapped on instead, there is no impediment to the easy expansion of the gasses; they don't linger at the neck.
with ample slack in the bag, one needn't worry that their gas containment system is getting stretched thinner, just when you'd wish it was thicker.
such an arrangement is less likely to leak beecause it is never offered resistance.

try blowing up an empty garbage bag. you can do it with normal exhalations. the balloon imposes resistance in all the wrong places.

with fine tuning, a cork is all that's needed.
but that makes people nervous, as they should bee.
(Bizarre pHomme de Terra)
07-26-04 23:21
No 521850
      a few more notes on this     

long-neck, round bottom flask is a must. for many reasons.
don't fuck with anything else. spheres have awesome compressive strength against air pushing on them from outside; not much from inside. the long neck minimizes the disturbance of that strength, gives some room to attach a bag without getting in the oil bath; gives a way of clamping it stable, and more.

the sphere will recirculate gasses and vapors; they don't want to go up the neck, except for beeing under pressure, as when the gasses in the flask are first warmed up.
check this out:
first time swim attempted to vaporize a bit of meth, and knew nothing about it , he dropped a pinch in the bottom of the rb flask and proceeded to heat it gently with propane. i assumed i would simply take it in from the flask neck when it emerged as vapor. well, it vaporized all right, but since i hadn't kept the top sealed while i was heating it, the air in the flask was able to expand without pressure as it heated.
when swim saw the melting beegin,  he put the thumb over it.

and the dang vapor just stayed down there, in the sphere, twirling gently; ignoring the escape hole and swims lungs.
har-har. swim even put a straw down the neck to suck those fumwes out, but all he could do was suck in new air from above, and the meth vapors just stayed in there.
(swim let it cool and poured some water in and ended up drinking it)
so that told me something. try it. its sorta funny.
the HI does the same dance if its not beeing squeezed in a small space.

btw, what's a good temp? gradual climb from cold, to as near the boiling point of water as you can go, comfortably.

last item:

swim doesn't inhale stims, but he was challanged by some couch-fries to come up with a way to not waste the exhalation goods. and he did. but he never described it to anyone.
so i'll do it now, beecause it's semi-relevant for getting a handle on some pressure concerns.

anyone who's tried to save a hit in a balloon will notice that its quite strenuous, and you have to hold the balloon tight, avoiding poking objects while you hand it to your pal, who has presumably made room in his lungs by breathing out; and then he lets it fly. very hard to let it out gently.
and with more than 2 people, its impossibly frustrating.

get a plastic 5 gal. bucket with a lid that fits and no holes in the bucket. now procure a length of plastic pipe, about 12 inches long, and 3/4 inch diameter. swim used a swim snorkle tube beecause it was here.
now, procure a new and good plastic bag; without holes. air it out; fluff it up; make sure it is air tight by gently holding it shut and squeeze a little.

next, flatten out the bag, chasing the air out, and bunch it up at the top until you can tape it onto the end of the plastic tube. tape it good; don't worry about how it looks.

blow into the tube and try to fill the bag to make sure it doesn't leak air.

next, set the bag in the bucket, inflated to roughly the size of the bucket; get it set comfortably in there.

next, cut or melt a hole in the center of the bucket lid that will accomodate the plastic breathing tube. slip the lid over the tube, and down tightly on the bucket, squeezing out any extra air.
next, duct-tape the snorkle tube to the lid on top; it won't bee attractive, but its to keep the tube from sliding down in, or moving around much. it should bee poking out fairly straight and verticle.
next, duct tape the lid onto the bucket.
next, make another small hole in the bucket lid; dont poke the bag; should do it beefore this actually.g
and last, find a very small glass jar that will sit happily, upside down, on the open end of the breathing tube.

swim's unit could hold about 5 full exhales. test yours by setting the bucket on an appropriate chair height to make it comfortable. suck all the air out of the bag; hold tube shut w/ thumb or by setting the little jar on it; catch your breath; and inhale to your max (just air this time) and exhale into the tube, holding the hole, repeat.
when the bladder is full in there, you'll know it. you won't bee able to blow a drop more. put the inverted jar on top to keep your exhalations from escaping. the jar is plenty for this purpose, beecause, actually, the air in the bucket liner is under no strain and not needing to escape. you should bee able to come back a week later, and the bag is still full.

so, its handy to know how many hits you can stash in there beefore its full, to avoiding wasting any.

to take a hit off the bag, simply suck in. its very easy; same as normal breathing, beecause the other hole you made in the bucket lid allows outside air into the bucket, surrounding the bag as it shrinks.when you exhale in the bag, the air in the bucket comes out your second hole, with a pleasing whoosh sound. you can blow in that hole to give someone a power toke, so it might bee fun to put a tube on that exhaust portal to.
no smell; works with pot too.
after awhile, rinse some water down the tube and slosh it arond; pour it back out and consume; flavor not great, wtf.

well that was long; but it takes about 10 minutes to rig something like this; works well. looks like shit; toss a towel over it to make it fancy parts; swim didn't need to leave the kitxchen to make it.

outta here
(Hive Bee)
08-21-04 06:20
No 526551
      What misinformation     

What the fuck is misinformed about my post? Whatever moderator labelled my post as misinforming appaerently has never used phosphorous acid.
(Hive Bee)
08-21-04 06:25
No 526554
      And to barking burro: you don't know what the...     

And to barking burro: you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. I have been doing the HI reduction from every angle there is for years. I am one of biggest advocates of safety on this board.

Fuck, I'm not going to waste any more breath.
(Hive Bee)
08-24-04 05:05
No 527018
      charlie don't surf     

.. until you've replied to this.

You kind of beat around the bush a little, so maybe I'm not supposed to be asking this, but, are you saying (puts words in mouth) that it's not necessary to maintain a reflux during this operation? I've not visited this site in a while. Where I left off last time a long moderate reflux seemed to be the consensus. Are the stimsters concluding successful experiments at lower temperatures?

just curious,

(Bizarre pHomme de Terra)
08-24-04 14:31
No 527085

rdxn will occurr in a liquid HI enviornment, provided the concentration is high enough. normaly, the sign that that concentration IS high enough, is the evolution of gaseous HI.

once one is assured that this is the case, there may bee no advantage in reflux...although, this slow,wet 'incubation swim describes, is actually a reflux, of sorts, even if only the flask itself is  full of HI gas, constantly condensing on the flask walls and dripping back into the action. this can bee nearly invisable. i'm not suggesting that it can bee done at concentrations that never show a sign of gaseous HI.
although it might bee. but i'm certain it can bee done without the need of condensors beeyond the flask itself, provided the initial concentration is high enough...that is, just at the point where no more HI will fit in the aqueous enviornment.
this requires a bit of fine tuning, but once determined, the approach offers a very safe and relaxed rxn.
(Hive Bee)
08-24-04 19:04
No 527106
      Re: i'm certain it can bee done without the...     

i'm certain it can bee done without the need of condensors beeyond the flask itself, provided the initial concentration is high enough...that is, just at the point where no more HI will fit in the aqueous enviornment.

Swim assumes that this is the way Charlie has been dreaming?  The more swim goes back and reads over the more h like CBP's idear.

Great work,for a potato, anyway.winklaugh

Abominations 4 ever
(Hive Bee)
09-11-04 16:03
No 530928
      wow resurect an old thread     

swim has done a few in a similar manner CBP suggested and was picking pyrex out of a wall shortly after so has been wary of the sealed RXNS. not producing the HI first then ading the psuedo was the culprit he's sure but is still scared of having a repeat performance.

how much ead room are you leaving in the flask charlie? swibb's reacted a 500 ml RB nearly full with a cold as fuck condensor and it ran rather well. does swim find that there is less pressure build up with less gas in the flask?

swibbs theory is that the increased presure inside the flask would also keep the liquids from boiling, a super heated solution so to speak, and perhaps this aids a more rapid redux? just a few thoughts

oh and pwhomever you are, suggesting someone plunges a hot fask into cold water is assinine and in no way adhering to any comon sense toughts about saftey. as for you doing these cooks for years, i find your statements to be coughbullshitcough.
(Bizarre pHomme de Terra)
09-12-04 15:02
No 531065
      pressure, redux     

officially, i'm on hive sabbatical. i didn't expect this ol' thread to re-appear. in the spirit of safety and understanding, i elaborate:

first, said dream is not applicable to hot and fast. this one is wet, from the start, with 80% H2O/per precursor, by weight.
the I2 is kept just slightly above the weight of the precursor.
the mbrp is a crap shoot; especially when used, but an excess doesn't seem to cause much trouble; unlike an excess of I2.

the size of the flask/vs/ the size of the reactants is significant. a big flask with a minimal rxn will contain a large amount of air in the flask, at the onset of the dream.

as swim is suggesting, when the reactants are first introduced to each other; hopefully "melting" in to a pudding, and the first signs of HI are noticed,
if one lets a small amount of it out, the air that was in the flask will vacate, too.

should the rxn produce even more excess of HI, as a gas, it will bee glad to have all that space in the flask.

BB, the inverse pressure is nominal; same as the normal exterior impediments to gas evolution.
don't try this without a balloon, at first.
and definately don't try it with a 1/2 full flask of reactants.
evacuate the flask at the onset, of its air.
250 ml rb flask/per 5 grams precursor should do.

yes, whatever internal pressure the rxn is under will affect the temp. at which various chemicals beecome gasseous. that slight exterior pressure should help keep the HI as a liquid.

if you get a handle on this approach, implosion beecomes the obstacle. thus, spheres.