kewlcanuk (Stranger)
07-26-04 20:51
No 521919
      SWIM had good final product, sort of...     

Swim's not sure what happened... he has a finale producut that does the trick but... He went in with 2g of P and came out with 2g. 100% yeah rightsmile. The product tastes salty and alkliney(acidy). White powder, looks good, just the taste...

Can some one give me input... Does it need to be washed or something?

Ps this is after 24 hrs of reflux and used colmens for the final.Also when SWIM tested the PH level after the lye, it was was already pinkish-red instead of blue.

(Bizarre pHomme de Terra)
07-27-04 00:26
No 521950
      salty, alkaline, and acidic taste?     

that covers alot of territory.
no 'fruity"?
wash until it tastes like old tuna. see if it all dissolves in alcohol without water. filter out the salt that doesn't.
if you o.d.'d with the base;  add some acid to get rid of it as salt this way. if you used to much acid, wash it out w/ acetone after you remove the NaCl.

if it tastes like salt, it probably is.
(that's an old indian proverb)


the 'fruity' and 'old tuna' was a joke.
a horible, snide joke, on you; for which i apologize.
(the rest was good advise)
07-27-04 07:52
No 521989
      kinda stupid     

What is finale product supposed to taste like? Don't laugh... this product is new around here.

07-27-04 08:07
No 521992
      bittery sharp bra, or sharply bitter!     

bittery sharp bra, or sharply bitter!

cpot you out there,Im home brother!!
(Hive Addict)
07-27-04 10:14
No 522010
      Pseudo Taste Compared to meth     

Freshly extracted pseudo used to smell like a fresh batch of granny's cookies. Unitl the mega gakks began appearing.

Pseudo tastes salty bitter.

Meth freebase smells like your girlfriend needs to wash her crotch. This is the smell that appears once you've based up the water layer with lye. That odor then migrates to your NP layer.

Meth HCl smalls like whatever solvent hasn't yet fully dried in it. But after the solvent smell leaves it don't smell like nuthin'. It's odorless. If it's good and clean that is.

Compared to psuedo HCl the flavor of meth HCl is salty and mildly bitter leaning more towards salty sweet than the salty bitter of psuedo.

Vaporised pseudo tastes like burnt pistaccio ice cream.

Vaporized meth is almost transparent but can have a vague fruit-like "ghost flavor" quite close to guava.

Your post title reminds of a story I heard about the Chinese martial arts trainer used for the film Kill Bill. The high martial Arts at a deep level cannot be taught in an afternoon but that's about the amount time this guy had to train the cast members so that they'd look reasonbly authentic in their movements.

Supposedly the most frequent phrase of encouragement he used to compliment the cast members undergoing his training was "almost good"!

The same thing might be said about your post rxn workup. cool

PS. did you water wash your Colemans 3x after you separated it from the lye water and prior to making the hydrochloride salt? If not and you had some residual lye in there along for the ride your HCl from gassing or titration will convert some of that to sodium chloride. That's table salt.

If you've not yet read Geezmeistser's post reaction workup thread find it, read it and follow it.

Geography quiz hint - If Italy's a boot then were the crap they're stepping in
(Hive Bee)
07-27-04 10:27
No 522013

Coleman's fuel has an anti-oxidant in it.  This on it's own gives swim an odd taste and makes some people break out in small bumps.

Chances are, some gakk made it through giving your gear a taste.  Chemo and The Bizzare Man of the Earth both give execellent descriptions of the taste and smells of pfed and meth.

  I'd like to have her right there on floor with the 'ol in/out, real savage.
07-27-04 17:41
No 522084
      Do not use colemans     

Naptha can be found up in canuck land(as well as a lot of E)also certain grocery store chains have thier own brands of odorless charcoal lighter fluid. The one with the blue and white signs has the best one. Try using that it works very well.
07-27-04 18:10
No 522091

Swin desolved  the product with alchol and distilled it. The new product (alot less I might add) is about a 60% return from the P. It is very bitter and got swim feeling it. So he guesses he did good?
(Bizarre pHomme de Terra)
07-28-04 13:13
No 522276
      odors and flavors, in general:     

swim's advice concerning various odors and flavors along the way:
don't put a whole lot of stock in it. it doesn't take much contamination to alter odor or flavor.
swim has never really noticed any of the smells that are often mentioned. had he been obsessed with detecting them, he might have assumed he'd failed in the dream and tossed the baby out with the bath-water.
swim has never stuck a gram of meth in his mouth and sucked on it to analyse its flavor closely; its always bitter as fuck to him, and causes a yucky expression, followed by a desire to wash it down w/ water, and fast.
psuedo-HCl is also disgustingly bitter. presumably, more so than meth, but its difficult to compare 2 gross tastes least for swim.

as per the saltyness within the bitterness;swim has never noticed it. not arguing that it isn't there...i don't know. just saying, that if swim missed it, you might also.
i'd guess that any hint of saltiness in meth is just that: salt.

swim has yet to smell the fish; the smelly socks; the old lady's crotch, or any of the other common indicator aromas frequently mentioned here.
again, not suggesting that bees who detect these indicators are whacked.
just suggesting that they needn't bee of much concern.

to a newbee, the smell of strong acids (HCL and HI specificly), the feel of strong base (NaOH specificly) and the taste of salt (NaCL) and bitterness (meth and Psuedo-eph) are enough to go on.

it is handy to have at least one reference point of pure precursor and pure end product from which to make coarse judgements about the quality of yours.
noting the texture of pure Psuedo-e crystals, for instance, will immediately force you to notice the gumminess that might bee in your feedstock; and you'll know that its polymer-laden. same with mbrp and glueiness.

same is true with various cuts added to street product:
if you've managed, at least once in your life, to put 10 mg of highly refined meth HCl on your toungue, and later on, you put 10 mg. of half meth; half msm on your toungue, you'll probably notice immediately that it isn't bitter enough.

traces of excess HCl, NaOH, and solvent residues are also easily detected by a semi-educated nose and toungue.
and even the eyes and fingers.
(Hive Addict)
07-28-04 16:58
No 522326
      Getting "callous" to tastes and smells     

ANother thing that seems to quickly occur when you are around not just the two compounds mentioned but the chems inherent with all this too is a certain dergree of sense adaptation or "calousness".

This is highly sujective and will vary a lot depending on the individual you are.

Swim's buddy noticed it makredly once after he took a full one months vacation away from anything that had to do with drugs or chemistry.

The first thing he noticed was how different everything smelled and tasted after this "break". This also applied to chems and acetone in particular too which can almost become transparent (like shit on the farm) if you are around it too much. This is also a danger due to the fact that long term exposure to such agents nearly gurarntee a form of neurological damage which results in a rather undesirable form of dementia.

A good friend who was a decent degree older than swims buddy got this due to his being a jeweler and his lifelong exposure to acetone and other dangerous solvents. The way it expressed itself in him is that he became quite easily beligerent and upset to the point of getting violent for unjustifyable reasons.

He ended up killing himself (with arsenic) for the sake of not being an asswhole to his friends and family.

Just a reminder about watching your chem exposure. Methanol is another you want to keep your eye on.

Geography quiz answer - Albania