superman (Hive Bee)
08-03-04 16:10
No 523489

i'm ready to react my 57% HI, very clean rp, and somewhat clean pseudo.   i was thinking of dropping 6ml HI(or more if it will be better as i have lots), 3g pseudo FB and 2g clean MBRP into a 70ml pyrex test tube fitted with a 400ml liebig condenser cycling ice water and submerging into a 110c oil bath for 24h or so.   if someone can give me the green light or possible a reccomendation i'll get it going and report back w/ bioassay and yeilds.

Thx everyone.      rhodium especially for all the hard work you put into this place.
(Hive Bee)
08-03-04 20:17
No 523524
      qik tips     

I think the fb-pseudo will be fine as you already have your HI (and wont have the hot and vigorous I+RP=HI production step)

What temp do you plan to react this baby at?  110`C oil usually results in ~95`C reagent temps.  You may wish to crank it up a little at the end.

Ice cooled 400mm lieberg is overkill.  Plain old room temp water will be fine and you wont have any condensation worries on the outside of the condenser.  Conversely, an air cooled reflux tube would surfice.  Also, fit a decent balloon atop the condenser to maintain [HI] and minimise smell.
08-03-04 20:41
      thx bio! seems you've been helping a lot of...
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