superman (Hive Bee)
08-04-04 20:59
No 523642
      Lowered HI concentration, add I w/HI or just I?     

now at hour 13.   the rxn fluid has gone from the starting opaque red to a faint orange, now to a  translucent red.  i've been using tfse for the thread that discusses reaction color changes but so far no luck.   there's 2g of RP in there and i began the RXN with approximately 8ml pre-prepared HI to reduce 3g/fb.  being new, my best guess is that HI concentration has dropped as there's no longer any white smoke cycling through the RXN whereas last night there was a constant flow of smoke up and then right back down into the RXN.

So if i'm right and the HI concentration has indeed dropped, should i dissolve some Iodine in some of my extra HI and [drip through cond/cool and add to test tube]?   or cool the RXN and add Iodine?   or do nothing?    or something else?

fuck i wish i could find that thread about the color changes,    we should have it in the stimulants forum faq!

EDIT:   can't wait any longer.   it's cooling down, i'm gonna add sum I and see if it improves.   maybe i can find something/someone to tell me i'm doing the right/wrong thing before it's cool
(Hive Addict)
08-04-04 22:14
No 523650

Why is it that SWISM is looking for constant smoke...color changes...?
According to SWISM's other post detailing the ratio/temp/cooktime...this rxn is akin to the LWR conditions.
There is no need to see signs with the LWR.
Set it and forget it until the prescribed time.
If the E was clean...the HI was aqueous....the MBRP was clean....then success will be had when the time is UP.
The smoke translates to an abundance of excess if you will. Very unnecessary in the grand scheme.
Ibee's run smokeless/signless rxns successfully many times.
When the reactants reach an equilibrium the reduction will take place and if this is indeed a true LWR....the reduction will occur while you're off doing other constructive things and never see it.
That's the nicest part of the LWR.
No Muss...No Fuss....No signs!

Remember, it's not,
"Hi, how are you?" it's
"How high are you?"
(Hive Bee)
08-05-04 03:40
No 523729
      Sigh (of relief) i was unaware that ...     

Sigh (of relief)

i was unaware that smoke=excess HI.   after watching the smoke cycle for a few hours i expected it to be that way for the whole rxn.    i guess the 2 mL i added was a waste....

ah well,    thanks for replying wareami,   i feel a lot better now :)

will let it react until the morning before working up
(Hive Bee)
08-06-04 16:11
No 523999
      and just in case you need this answered later     

just in case you do have to fix the HI concentration in later reactions the way to do it is by adding more HI or more RP. the RP is actually consumed over the course of the reaction where as the I2 is what is being recycled. adding more i2 just increases the amount of i2. without a way for it to be recycled (rp, h3po3, h3po2) it will just sit there being yellow.
(Hive Bee)
08-06-04 19:10
No 524014
      cool, thx, HI is easyest for me as i just drip     

cool, thx,   HI is easyest for me as i just drip it thru the condenser
(Bizarre pHomme de Terra)
08-07-04 15:22
No 524050
      getting an ideal concentration?     

it would bee sweet to have a way of obtaining an ideal HI concentration; i.e., no excess, for the type of rxn that wareami describes (boring and safe).
might there bee a chem that could bee added, drop-wise, to an initially flooded rxn, that would lock-up the excess H2O into an inert compound?

if so, it would bee added just to the point of allowing a sign of gaseous HI evolution?

(i can't think of one either)
(Hive Bee)
08-07-04 21:00
No 524104
      The way to tell if the HI is losing avtivity,...     

The way to tell if the HI is losing avtivity, is by colour changes.
The iodine is dissociating from the HI, because there isn't enough recycling agent.

You can have to forms of HI problems relating to concentration. You can have a solution where there's a dissociation problem, due to not enough recycling agent (turbid/brown/orange/red), and you can have a concentration problem where there's too much water:I2 & recycler (clear solution).

Having said that, some absolutly atrocious looking solutions have worked!

It doesn't take a very good HI solution to get you high, it's probably a neurotoxic high though.