Martian_A (Stranger)
08-10-04 09:46
No 524589
      KI from Iodized Salt?     

SWIM added 95% ethanol to iodized salt. Top layler turning milky. Filtered & Evaporated the ethanol. Result being a white flakey product left in the pyrex dish...

This product in the pyrex dish, Is this KI? If so, how many grams of salt does one think would produce enough KI so 5g's I2 can be extracted?
*Wondering if it would be cheaper simply to purchase KI 100g online*

- Martian_A
(Hive Bee)
08-10-04 11:27
No 524599
      try oxidizing it...     

add some oxidizer, Hydrogen peroxide, alchohol, Hydrochloric acid, Chlorine.(DO NOT MIX THE HCL and chlorine ) any of the above when added in small increments will cause any KI to turn deep red or purple. If it does then you will have to sublimate it. SWIM has had large returns from hog feeed supplement( looks like salt too )
Most likely you would need a very large amount of salt to get anything back out of it, the percentage is very low.
(Hive Bee)
08-10-04 18:57
No 524648
      KI from table salt     

in the us, iodized table salt contains .006-.01% KI. in other words, max. 100mg/kilo
(Hive Bee)
08-11-04 09:14
No 524775
      max. 100mg/kilo Better find another way then...     

max. 100mg/kilo
Better find another way then huh?
KI is very cheap and easy to find.


Its just my opinion, but no-one listens to me anyway, and rightly so...