bbob (Stranger)
08-10-04 13:11
No 524665
      safest purchase for NH3 generation     

Wondering what would be least likeley to draw unwanted attention if one were buying at a chem supply place instead of fertilizer from a home/garden place?


I could be confused though
08-10-04 13:35
No 524671
      Best Bet     

For the amounts you would need to generate amonia, you would save a fortune buying it at a garden store. Just get amonium sulfate, you can get 5 pounds for about 5 dollars, with no questions asked. At a chem supply there is always a possibility of having to answer questions(no fun!). Even though amonia chloride and amonia sulfate are insanely common chems, dont put yourself through the hassle. This is just something thats just easier if its done OTC.

08-10-04 14:54
No 524689
      swix also read that u can use ammonium nitrate     

swix also read that u can use ammonium nitrate and that can really be easily found in those instant cold packs...
(Hive Bee)
08-11-04 00:19
No 524777
      Yes you could, but how to do it without ...     

Yes you could, but how to do it without breaking the ampule of the ammonium nitrate? and also there is only a small amount of it in each pack....

The packs are also end up very expensive if you want a serious amount of ammonia as im gathering this person wants....


Its just my opinion, but no-one listens to me anyway, and rightly so...
08-11-04 01:20
No 524786
      went with the sulfate fertilizer     

I believe he opted for avoiding the possibility of unfortunate questions, as suggested.

I'm sure he appreciated the advice.

I could be confused though
08-11-04 01:20
No 524788
      just so people know there are different types...     

just so people know there are different types of ice packs the ones i was refuring to has ammonium nitrate in the pack and water in the amplue so its easy to seperate. just cut it open and dump the ammonium nitrate pellets in a jar and throw the water ampule away...
(Hive Bee)
08-11-04 08:48
No 524854
      Why bother making it     

Helloo bbob, How are ya mate, Just a question mate, Why bother making Nh3, Swip has tried Mr_Clean's ammonia generator a few time's aswell as a few other methods described on this site & rhodium's and it is very fucking smelly, And the amount you get for the time you put in isent realy worth it unless only a little bit of Nh3 is needed, Not to mention it's a bitch to get it toatly anhydrous, But it is good practice because it teaches you how coutious you have to be with it.
Swip would sugest a chemical suit and a breathing mask when ever you expose your self to ammonia.wink

Ask no question's, and i will tell no lies.
08-11-04 10:50
No 524864
      different ideas     

Howdy,  it seems to me there's a couple different schools of thought regarding the feasibility of making it yourself, and the relatively warm reception afforded a couple of the "easy, cheap, and safe" methods rolled out lately is enough to make a person consider giving it a try.

I could be confused though