BlackBmw1 (Newbee)
08-15-04 13:25
No 525510

swim was doing a wash on his normal cold and flu pills,  wich found unusually Participants on the bottom and sides of the jars and flasks, looks like DMT Crystals yellow in color, quiet good looking crystals smile...ok let me explain what happen !!!swim had some free time decided to do a wash , what the pills contain is : 60mg Fexofenadine Hydrochloride & 120mg Psuedoephedrine Hydrochloride, the pills are 2 colors white and yellow you can say , he had washed in pills in cold water, to disolve the pills to get rid of the white bit on the pills which turns into fluff, and disolves , then keeps the yellow part , drys the pills , then crinds the pills and let soak in low Mineral Turps for 24 hours  , 2 boils with Turps , decant the top , put in seperate jar, 2 boils in MEk , decant the top put in seperate jar ,funny thing is just as the 2nd  decant of Mek was finshed , older Sisters turns up with Nephews and decided to call inshocked, swim of cause is always prepaired for uninspected Guests ,tongue has working office that no entry to general public shuts the door says to sis will be out in a momoentwink to speak cut a long story short ,, after some time goes past swim comes back after 5 to 6 hours and see these little participants floating in the jars and flasks , swim always keeps all liqiuds , just in case Psuedo in the wrong jar can always come back to it thinking that he didnt throw it away after failed RXN laugh , by this time swim was surprised to what he was seeing , of these small small yellow crystals ,surprisenly swim was so tired playing with the Nephews,  by that time swim said he needs sleep, cause the Nephews dont get to see there uncle as much of his Work commitments ...swim thinking could also be maybe Gaak and leave it be ... crazylater that night when swim went to check on everything sees these nice little crystals all around the sides of the flask and jar and nice pot of fluffy crstals on the bottom ..., swim thinks that if he wasnt mistaking he could just dry that and it woulds pass as DMT Crystalssmile...but swim knows theres a catch to this and something is wrong here, 2 things its why swim is wanted to wait and sees what responce he gets, when swim decant the 2nd boil of Mek, and drained into another jar and flask, the solution   was clear, and didnt look like it had any Gaak in ther , and there is a white pill mass wich was yellow at start , wich swim is going to filter 2 times with metho ,then crystalise it with Isopropanol and do a A/B. and at the end gas.. but swim knows that it cant be that easy and clean ... so is waiting for some replys ....12cheman12 and p2e3r4f5e6c7t8 any input from you guys would be appriciated ...crazycrazy

I Am A Information Junky.. Knowledge Is Power
(Hive Bee)
08-15-04 15:26
No 525523
      AAHHHHH, I see     

I see your trying out the method i passed on to you from swip's Pm i sent ya.
Anyhow just to let other bee's know its just a slight variation of placebo's method.
But anyway Blackbmw, have you tried adding a little h20 to the solvent washes you are doing to see if in fact there is any crap in it, It should just fall out of the solvent when a little water is added.
Swip would sugest keep doing MEK boil's and and filter, Then test the MEK for crap, Continue doing this untill no more shit falls out of your MEK.
Then extract 2-3 times with dry ethanol and dry it.
When you get this far post your reasults and swip will have a look and see what else he can help withwink

Ask no question's, and i will tell no lies.
08-15-04 23:36
No 525589
      p2e3r4f5e6c7t8 no disrespect to you mate :-D ,     

p2e3r4f5e6c7t8  no disrespect to you matelaugh, i posted that last night and wanted answer that night ,and thought youd be sleeping , and our other international Bee's have diferent times than us, wich is why i posted it...didnt think you were a night

I Am A Information Junky.. Knowledge Is Power
(Hive Bee)
08-16-04 06:46
No 525670
      Could bee a new gakk     

If the yellow oil is persistant then, no doubt you have gotten some pills with the newest gakk. The A/B, MEK both will do you no good.  Sorry if it is Eudragit. Prepuce, BarkingBurro, Scottydog all have winning methods on this newest gakk that can be found in TFSE.

  I'd like to have her right there on floor with the 'ol in/out, real savage.
(Hive Bee)
08-16-04 17:19
No 525753
      How would you know     

How would you know if anything iv posted works or not abominator, Seeing as swip is an AUZ bee and has had sucsses in the past with his own method on these oz pills(please explain) ?Prepuce, BarkingBurro, Scottydog are NOT from AUZ

Anyway im not changing topic,blush
How is the procedure going anyway blackbmw, What stage are you upto and could you give a discription of what Active and inactive ingredients is in the pills you are using pleaseblush

Anyway swip had a dream and he did 2 turps soaks, then 2 turps boils, Then 2 Mek boils, Then extracted 3 times with dry ethanol, Then did a waterless A/B and the psuedo is relativly clean, But swip is still gona have to see what happens when he add's H2o to the psuedo, Results will bee posted soontongue

Ask no question's, and i will tell no lies.
08-16-04 21:24
No 525783
      I Agree     

I Agree with my fellow OZbee abominator, sorry to say you US guys have it much easier than us OzBees's , swim just only finding the right Solvents after 8months, while in US its easy brought than here ,, mind you there's over what 275mil people now there ,yet we have only around 23 to 25mil people ...point is more people more stuff and more mayhem, i haven't gone wrong since ive been listening to p2e3r4f5e6c7t8 with his method and putting 12cheman12 advice to these new pills , i haven't come to a obstacles yet, my first post was because i was intrigued of what i saw , and wanted to here some replies ,not knowing p2e3r4f5e6c7t8 would of replied faster , as im a newbie i feel much better doing it p2e3r4f5e6c7t8 way, i can see im progressing much better than Sxxx brand 120mg, still got a lump of black looking mud or what ever it is ,that don't bloody dry, and none of the ways ive been told , and read about them didnt  works on them either , but then again i am a newbee, dont have much experties under the belt like other bees , i just gave up until new pills arrived ,by p2e3r4f5e6c7t8 telling me a secrete,,THANKS MATE wink  so i just left the barstarts there ,, and to where im unto is i have 3 lots of jars getting clean but for some reason one lot of pill mass is white as snow  im thinking to crystallise it with Iso, just to see what would happen p2e3r4f5e6c7t8 , swim not to concern with that wash it was a test thing for myself , but will post the result of its findings , its that i used some type of chemical which i cant say ,but very eager to see the result ... and p2e3r4f5e6c7t8 have patient my little one not everyone is a master like you ,swim is a perfectionist does things once and gets it right the first time and only time, its why he does it slow  and takes his time, cause when it comes to time to test the finale result, The newbee will be the King of all TWEAKERS  lol ....i will pm you soon to get of this dam computer ...laughcool

I Am A Information Junky.. Knowledge Is Power
(Hive Bee)
08-17-04 02:09
No 525815
      Excuse me     

Sorry fellas, swim will keep his ass out of the OZ pill threads.  He was only going by the yellow crystals that were described and thought about the yellow oil gakk known as Eudragit.

How would you know if anything iv posted works or not abominator, Seeing as swip is an AUZ bee and has had sucsses in the past with his own method on these oz pills(please explain) ?Prepuce, BarkingBurro, Scottydog are NOT from AUZ

Swim don't know if your methods work on a certain pill formulation.  He never stated that swip's methods will not work.  Only if it was Eudragit, the MEK and A/B's will do no good without something to bust the eudragit.  My statements in that post were concerning this newest gakk.  Apparently I did not make that clear enough. 

Swim never meant any disrespect toward anybody's method and was only offering help, oops.

  I'd like to have her right there on floor with the 'ol in/out, real savage.