Shane_Warne (Hive Bee)
08-23-04 19:27
No 526958
      pseudoephedrine salt decomposition?     

Is pseudoephedrine likely to disassociate from it's acid before the melting temperature is reached? by a far margin, or just before the m.p?


'Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride. C10H15ON·HCl.
Crystallized from alcohol in stout needles; mp 179-181°C, [á]D22 +58.75°; very soluble in water and in alcohol (see Fig. 5).

Pseudoephedrine Sulfate. C10H15ON·H2SO4 .
Prismatic needles; no sharp mp; [á]D22 +52.5°; easily soluble in water and in alcohol.

Pseudoephedrine Oxalate. 2 C10H15ON·C2H2O4
Needles; mp 218°C with decomposition; difficultly soluble in alcohol; very soluble in cold H2O; neutral to litmus (see Fig. 6).'