Martian_A (Stranger)
08-25-04 21:38
No 527418
      Methcathinone :: Improving Yield/Quality     

Anyone have any ideas on improving the quality and yields of methcathinone?
Im using Pott. Permagnate as an oxidiser, I found that Leaving it for 8-12 hours in the fridge over oxidised the first batch, extracted and having it had no effect.
2nd time I reacted the permagnate and sudo, I only left for 2 hours, first at room temp, when it went brown, put it into the fridge for another hour. Extracted and had, little effect i got. IV'ing it, I got a massive rush for about 10 seconds before it mellowed out. Very poor quality I think, effects lasted no more than an hour before i started comign down hard...

Any info increasing the effect and yield would be great. The stuff reminds me very much of the old school amphetamines in waxy brown rock which used to go around.

- Martian_A
08-27-04 11:28
No 527815

keep it cold, and maybe use acetone or toluene as a solvent, to competitively prevent overoxidation...

It's good to bee back! Don't trust your computer!!
08-28-04 03:52
No 527938
      remeber it comes out base     

You are remembering to acidify it after the reaction right?
I read a story in my favorite picture book where some one forgot to do that (they don’t like to have recipes written down while working) and wondered why little white things wouldn’t come out of the now nasty looking bubbling red oil when the mistake was finally worked it came out as a nasty brown gunk with a few white crystals through it
Also I think adding the potassium permanganate in half’s wouldn’t hurt so add half leave it for 2 hours and then add other half
(Heavyweight Chempion(eer))
08-28-04 19:27
No 528050
      Oh boy!     

Extracted and had, little effect i got. IV'ing it, I got a massive rush for about 10 seconds before it mellowed out. Very poor quality I think, effects lasted no more than an hour before i started comign down hard...

You injected your crappy produced product i.v. to see if it gave a good effect.... Do you have any clue about what you are doing? I could at this point start ranting about you all by yourself cleaning the collective gene pool, but I won't. Get a life for fucks sake!

Severe Aztecoholic and President of Sooty's fanclub - Sooty for President!!
08-29-04 03:31
No 528102
      yeah rightio     

the gear is cleaned, how can one dick himself if its cleaned and swim aint the only one says tfse.