08-27-04 06:02
No 527686
      HI from DECALIN !!!!
(Rated as: good read)

Hello there fellas!

i found some great news for ya....a new way of making HI that looks really simple!
While searchin between different websites for information on Hydriodic acid i found this revolutionary synthesis.

Making HI from decahydronaphthalene(DECALIN)!!
ok in this reaction the iodine gets converted into HI directly from the alkenation of decahydronaphthalene(an aromatic carbon) via a catalyst!
the reaction goes like this:

simple heh?

  C10H18 + 3 I2 ---Ar/N2---> C10H12 + 6 HI

In this reaction 3 moles of iodine reacts with one mole of Decalin thanks to an argon or nitrogen catalist to conver the firts cyclohexane ring into a benzene ring(tetrahydronaphthalene).
wow.....looks promising! aromatics are not that hard to get since they r used in many different products since its a solvent!

Unfortunately i havent tested the reaction yet and i found only one source of info so far....but that sourse is reliable guys..i got it from the biggest chemestry website of germany( in a page where they explain all different methods to get HI and there it was.

Well....i love chemestry but im not that good in i still dont noe why certain reactions occur...all those alpha,beta things i still dont understand...but im pretty sure this reaction is tru since i read it in such an important website.

Now decahydronaphthalene is a common aromatic hydrocarbon that for wut ive read its used in many products that involve solvents. im sure it wont be so hard to find a source!
anyway Decalin must be treated with care...there are a few rules to follow while working with it.
So.......ur great Buddy NaVaRoNe made a wonderful Decalin chemical info table for you!

Here it is guys:

Notes the different Propeties!
Decalin decomposes at 57c so it must be treated with not too much heat!
note also that in the info i sais that its used in many common products.

Wow this reaction looks good!

hmmm but now lets think of the setup for this reaction:
i already prepared something that should do perfectly the trick i guess.
wut do u guys think about this setup?

so here we use 2 gassing apparatuses with 2 foam bubblers(needed to have a calm soft bubbling and to help the HI dissolve better...its a matter of physics). the first gassing apparatus a nitrogen source like a nitrogen tank or an argon tank is connected to the first bubler going down to the decalin iodine 1/3 molar solution.
the foam bubler hels the liquid not to splash and slows down the nitrogen bubbles helping the reaction between decalin and iodine. the first gassing bottle is gently kept under heat to speed the reaction.....but it must not go over 50c to prevent decomposin of the decalin and too many vapours in flask 2.
when the gasseous HI is formed(wich is not soluble in decalin) it goes up to the exit tube connected to the next gassin flask. a cooling source is reccomended to avoid decalin vapours going into flask 2 and giving a nice dry HI N2 gas.
this following gas goes down the bubler where it will spread into small bubbles into the distilled water thanks to the foam. the small bubbles are easier to dissolve quickly in the distilled water.
if the bubbles are small...sure all the HI is gonna dissolve into the H20 and the unreactive N2 gas escapes from the top exit hole.
the reaction should be visible since the decalin iodine solution in flask one should loose its purple color thanks to the iodine conversion into HI.
when the liquid in flask one is completely colourless..then all the iodine has been converted into HI and dissolved in flask 2 giving the wonderful hydriodic acid!!cool
Just keep on bubbling your distilled water in flask 2 until u have the right concentration of HI.
heheeh....wut do u think?

anyway i was thinking about using the decalin as a recycling agent in the meth reaction....maybe attachig a dropping funnel on the reaction flask and dropping the decalin in slowly.
but since im not a chemestry expert..i still dont noe if the decalin(decahydronaphthalene) or the tetralin(tetrahydronaphthalene from the reaction with iodine) will interfear the reaction.
one thing is for sure...the decalin and tetralin will float on the reaction since they r non polar.
can anybody temme if decalin or tetralin will mess up the reaction....please.

well well it looks promising...but could anybody of you put your comments not that chem genious and i want to hear the opinion of real experts.
and yes..another thing........if anyone here has the chemicals to attemp this reaction..please try it out and post all the results!

well hope this is useful for you guys!

peace yo

(Hive Addict)
08-27-04 07:58
No 527730

Ok when you find a decent source for DECALIN with a relativly low price, providing a decent amount which is rather purified for use in such a method tell us..

Sounds like this will cost heaps and not be as effective (both cost wise and yield wise) as proven, established methods.

Otherwise for HI generation ill stick to the good old methods that work fine with very little work involved.
Not to mention they cost shit all aswell....


Its just my opinion, but no-one listens to me anyway, and rightly so...
(Hive Bee)
08-27-04 16:14
No 527780
      Organikum once suggested tetraline for HI...     

Organikum once suggested tetraline for HI (re)generation from iodine. See Post 499395 (Organikum: "Times ago Piglet suggested the use of Zn/I for", Stimulants) and the replies. Which also means that decaline oxidation with iodine does not stop at the tetraline stage.

Navarone, do you mind adding a reference/link to that decaline oxidation you suggested. How is anybee supposed to consider your idea without seeing what it is about?
Besides, decaline is not an aromatic compound as you say. Tetraline, the product, as well naphtalene are aromatics. Also nitrogen or argon are not catalysts, they just provide an inert atmosphere so the HI does not oxidise (get redish). Also, why would you want to prepare aqueous HI when (I suspect) you want to use it for pseudoephedrine reduction. It would be more wise to simply oxidise decaline or tetraline in acetic acid which would give you an HI solution in acetic acid perfect for further use (decaline, tetraline and naphtalene are inert in the ephedrine reduction reaction).

“The real drug-problem is that we need more and better drugs.” – J. Ott
(Wonderful Personality)
08-28-04 00:26
No 527843
      Iodine + tetraline is a well-referenced methop     

Iodine + tetraline is a well-referenced methop from inorganic chemistry.
Iodine + copaia oil works too.
Iodine + rosin works too, mix with at least equal amount of sand.

All three methods can end in an impressive explosion, including a cinemascope fireball and more if done wrong. Say to much heat, to fast heating to much iodine added at once....
....multiple ways to fuck this up.

Be warned.

so near, so far......