Ewok_Poacher (Newbee)
08-27-04 06:58
No 527777
      swims latest dream     

Swim dream consisted of an rp/i2 reaction. 4g psuedo obtained from whites 60's using STE and flashed with MEK, 4.5g of MBRP cleaned with muriatic acid and 4g of iodine crystals from 7% tinct. Swim likes to dream of excess rp/i2 because of early nightmares, better to much than to little. Swim was out so he sped up the reaction time by adding some heat. Swim started with no heat just shook a little and then heated by rubbing with hands. Waited for rection to almost stop and put in oil bath at 120 for around 1 hour, heated to 130 till reaction slowed (about 2.5 hours), heated to 140, then 150 when reaction slowed @ 150 swim added 8 drops of dh2o. Kept reaction @ 150 for another 30-45 minutes. For the last 30minutes I heated to 200 to remove whatever gak thats supposed to remove (someone smarter than swim once told swim to do that so swim does). Now swim did post reaction workup following a cooks summary by Geez. extracting with titration (a/b extraction). Now my question when swim started recrystalizing he poured ipa on his little free amines and found a grey goop left over. IPA is not done evaping so swim cannot tell you anything about final product yet but what is this grey matter and how did it make it through everything only to be foiled by IPA (assuming it is gack).
(Of Counsel)
08-27-04 07:12
No 527778

Your extraction method is not sufficient to remove the new generation of gakks from the pseudo. You do seem to have broken some of them down in the reaction, and the process of breaking them down left fragments that were not soluble in IPA. When you dissolved the meth in IPA, these fragments would not dissolve, leaving you with a gray emulsion in the IPA. My guess, anyway.

mostly harmless
08-27-04 07:17
No 527783

Geez your the man - if you were a chick I would marry you. So all is good and I shouldnt be worried ? By the way your the one smarter than I that told me to run the end of reaction @ 200. Oh swims cook temps other than 200 were from easy shards by amalgum (swim extended the times somewhat).