kewlcanuk (Stranger)
09-12-04 09:36
No 531019
      Honey wash     

Can swim safely(not f'n up his product) do a wash of the honey with non polar solvent before basing? It seems to remove interesting colors.

(Chief Bee)
09-12-04 10:23
No 531024
      If the solution is acidic, yes.     

If the solution is acidic, yes. That is in fact a recommended procedure.

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
09-12-04 10:34
No 531025
      My extra product     

In the last RXN there was a extra product. A sticky film of green crap, when he scraped some of it up and it cooled it turned rock solid. What is this shit? He did have a ok yeild after he water locked with acetone (which this crap is soluble in).  He doesn't think he's been gaked as swim is very carful extracting.

(Hive Addict)
09-12-04 12:44
No 531048
      Canuk Can Cook!     

Funny show! If there was onetongue
Just playin!

He doesn't think he's been gaked as swim is very carful extracting.
Without a brief description of the pre-rxn extraction method used, it's impossible for us to determine if you were gaaked or not.
SWIKC obviously got blindsided by something which disqualify's the assessment and contention that being gaaked is unlikely in his case.
I could guess accurately which gaak got`ya!
But I'll wait for some more confirming evidence before I GO out on that limb!

One question aside from the other requests for detail above:
Was this green substance an Oily Gel form before solidifying into an acrylic plasticshocked?

You Laugh at me because I'm different
I laugh at you because you look the same
(Hive Addict)
09-12-04 13:21
No 531052
      In addition...     

In Addition to Rhodium's reply on standard practice, I'd like to add a word of caution to guard against a false sense of security, concerning gaaks.
This word of caution in no way, shape, or form negates the need to do that solvent wash as Rhodium suggests! It's still a standard practice and should be followed.
If the gaak made it that far into the rxn, it's HIGHly unlikely that a solvent wash will remove it from the end product.
SWIKC made a statement concerning an important discovery about amine solubility and acetone.
Really not sure if the rxn itself has rearranged the amine structure in the presence of certain gaaks or whether these gaaks are included to work that way right off the bat.
But it's been noticed that when Eudragit makes it through rxn, meth will be more readily dissolved in acetone at a greater rate than has been observed in the past.
There may be a solvent activation needed to affect this change since it's not believed to have been pH activated as what was previously thought by Ibee.
I will say this about that!
Some more confirming evidence has been personally established by Ibee HIGH and StaffMemberblush that warrants a health related warning regarding gaak infected meth.
If you know it's gaaked...don't do it!
It will make you sick and it has made Ibee sick on two occassions now.
Embarrassing but true that Ibee recreated a scenario he swore to never repeat.
This gaak was not detected anywhere in the process through to the final work-up and consumption.
The next day a layer of CRYSTAL CLEAR gel, half an inch thick was discovered floating atop the post-rxn distillation flask!
The consumed product could not have been relieved of that Gel as it was titrated and not steamdistilled.
The spent basified solution from the titrated first pulls did not contain the Gel.
Just the last parts that were distilled.
HIGHly pissed at the discovery...Ibee trashed yet another batch remnant instead of blasting away!
In the clean of that pfed...Ibee did not adhere to protocol because he lacked one chem used in the extraction process and had no way to aquire any being "UnderTheWeather".
The extraction method to use must contain components geared toward the removal of Eudragit.
Look it up and follow the latest extraction methods if you want to bee spared.
The way eudragit works and what makes it effective is it's modified release capability to bypass the normal digestive routes. It's a tricky Gaak to detect but you'll know it after it smacks ya around a bit!
Nastynasty Gakk!

The word of caution here is:
Make sure positively that these specialty gaaks are removed pre-rxn!
That's all I can say!

You Laugh at me because I'm different
I laugh at you because you look the same
09-13-04 02:24
No 531123
      some uh... sheeuuut     

swimbob told of a rather recent event...   using ALL OTC supplies..  RP from strikers..  i2 from the feed store and some god damn generic 120's..   5 boxes to be exact...

Anyways..  that prick obviously  dreamed about soaking 40 striker pads in 80% tone and 20% murry for 30 minutes...  then took each one and scraped the shit off..  did this 40 times put the pile of red ass sticky gluey shit in a beaker with some fresh tone and boiled it before decanting...  allowed this to dry in the beaker while he did a VM&P naptha tetra trap... followed by gassing the naptha instead of chilling..   yielding very clean salt...  burned clear to last drop on a burn sample... thanks to that nifty fuckin trap...  swim yielded a phat ass 9 G out of a possible 12 in about an hour LOL..  anyways..     next

swim filtered the i2 crystals that were crashed with the usual peroxide from 7% shit from the feed stock place...   wrug out the filter like it was pull of liquid pussy and then put the filter in the freezer till it was time to stick the shit in the flask cause his hands got all yellow and nasty..   

Anyways to make a 4 hour story short...    bob combined the pseudo salt and i2 in the flask and sprayed in some dh20 (didnt measure).. but it was wet enough but not too wet...  using the FINE MIST spray bottle helps the moisture get all around the flask initially...  try it and see for yourself... see how much faster the walls are totally covered in HI crystals compared to pouring the water right on the mass...  probly wont help out a LWR much but for a shorthot...  the spray bottle is pimps tool...  (thanks to our space truckin homie for that idea).

Next the now dry...  danked out mass of red shit mixed with white paper bits was removed from the flask in 2 big chunks and was still a little gooy inside..  so wasnt powdered up it was just tossed in!...  swim figured it was so full of paper and glue it would need heat to react and he was right... it just sat on top of the now yellowish sludge in the flask..   bob put his faith in his insanity and experence over the years hoping for this fucked up mess of shit to make something pretty...    this is where it gets weird...    so damn weird!!

SWim puts the condenser with balloon taped on top and greases the 24/40 connections a little bit to keep shit in there where it belongs and taped it a little bit and lets it sit for 10 minutes..      well 10 minutes go by and nothing... still a big ass pile of now red and yellow shit with 2 big red globs sitting there..     swim puts it on the hotplate which is prewarmed because swim wanted some goods so bad he just didnt give a shit about the yield as much as a phat hit at the time...   and behold...  when the flask reached 105-F ... small whips of white smoke began and soon filled the flask like a storm...    satisfied that all is well..  the condenser was connected to the hoses and cooling began...    bob let it sit at 130-F for 1 hour... then turned up the heat over another hour to about 300 then finished it with max heat..  probly about 400 to 450 F..      during the cooking phaze... when the shit was HOT!!  the reflux of liquids was coming in at about 5 drops a second... just pouring in like rain..  in the mix appeared 2 colors.. on 1 side of the flask is a deep blood color and on the other side a more clearish but reddish color.. and in the middle all the white paper and shit collected right where the reflux was falling.. (arg) so swim helped out the flask by swirling it up good constantly for the last hour... it was hot as fuck too burned his hands sometimes when he slipped off the cool part of the condenser lol...     but alas... in the last moments of the heat the mix did lighten in color and bob seens the signs of possible success...   this being by far the most fucked up reaction he ever seen...   his first time using MBRB from a life of LGRP...  its a change from hell...   but continuing...   swimbob..  turned off the plate approx 3.31 hours after first heat was added...  and it was allowed to cool...  it took 30 to 40 minutes to cool down so it probly cooked longer than that..     when the balloon had went from a big blown up party puncher to being literraly SUCKED INTO the condenser in side out...  it was removed some dh20 was added to the mix...        bob proceeded to filter with cottonballs and funnel as usual... this is fucked up though...   now all was nice and sweet below the funnel with yellow pee lookin liquid comin out...  a slight excess of i2 was used so this was kinda expected but on top of the cotton balls this nasty grey ass shit... had to be from the mbrp sat up top trying to stop the funnel from pissing into the sep funnel LOL...  so some more dh20 was put in the flask and heated to near boiling and poured on top and walla!  it pissed again for a little bit...  bob ended up having to wring out the filter a little bit to get the last juice out and that nasty ass grey pile of shit was examined and determined to be of ET origin...  atleast it smelled like it...  the shit was tossed into a fire to dispose of it and it smoked like a junky at 5am..     anyways  that nasty ass part was over...        swim DID the NP wash of the post-RXN fluid with HOT naptha 3 washes till it was clear and all the funny color came out.. ( fuckin purple and then turquoise!)   talk about psychedelic stinky NP washes..    after those washes the naptha was clear and swim decided to go ahead and ass some pre cooled base...   swim added it till it milked out and bubbles shot up into the np...  waited 10 minutes...  added a little more base...  noticed some goodies not being absorbed into the naptha so added more naptha...  all was well...   swim based the fuck out of it just to make sure... damn sure achieved maximum ph in the end... hell some nasty jelly shit eventually started trying to come up in the NP and bob persuaded it not to by adding a little more dh20 till it stopped trying to come up for a visit...    anyways..      NP was seperated and washed with dh20 many times until no i0dides or anything were seen in the dh20 washes..  4 or 5 washes it took to clean it...    this is where shit really fuckin tripped bob out though...     dh20 washes were discarded and the naptha was gassed for goods...    and guess what...   not a FUCKIN THING!   NADDA !!  NAIRY!!  ZILCHFUCK!....  well swim fuckin turned redder than than the flask was previously and at this point was drooling for a hit...     many feelings such as... addiction... depression... insanity... all came in a short time...  but bob  remembered...   not 1 single vapor escaped the rxn and there HAS TO BE something in there somewhere..!!   SOOO...  bob decided to do the fool proof titration and setup a pyrex dish on the hotplate with a fan blowing over and proceeded to TITRATE the FUCK out of the NP....    after bob was satisfied that this jar was ready to hit the bar he seperated the dh20 from the naptha and evaped the dh20 and behold...  something swim ait never seen before...   in the plate was left a pile of blood red meth...  (swim thinks its from the failed gassing attempt or something)...  so this pile is scraped up and washed in COLD ass tone... crushed up and washed several times... the red color never totally left...  but the shit was top quality in performance... burned clean as a bell even though its close to a dirty pink color.

final yield after cleaning and drying was 3.8-G on the first pull...  swim was satisfied with it so he saved the rest of the liquids for a rainy day to evap.... they remain in liquid state somewhere in iraq so is told.

Now though what bob is wondering is...    why the hell would these goods not gas out.... and why would they come out BLOOD RED...  swim knows it was from the excess acid but could it be from the failed gassing somehow?  

bob has titrated with FAR more acid in the past and only received a yellow product which become white after 2 tone washes... (er close to white) kinda off white..  like meth is supposed to be lol...    why the fuck did this stuff come out as red as the head on the dick of a dog?

its a mystery to bob...   but somehow he attributes it to the failed gassing...  never seen it before lol...  swim never used MBRP before either though...  so is that common shit with mbrp?

In the end... bob was VERY pleased with his final results...  bioessasy shows no unreacted pseudo and minimal byproducts...   bob knows he should recrystalize for his health but in this batch just didnt want to hinder the effects of the highly potant goods in any way lol...   

so he has some good dark ass pink shit that burns clear as a bell LOL...   it has to be a stained from something or another...  cause if it was acid residue it would eventually blacken the pipe when it burned up...   DONT HAPPEN!!  pipe is CLEAN AS A WHISTLE after many bowls...    of course overheating here and there calls for the armada of qtips to be dispatched to the infected area.

So swim thinks this...  it was all worth it.... for the time involved it seems unreal LOL...     swim has been doing the 48 hr reflux for a while now and this is a great alternative to the time limited...  LOL

Its just scary and mysterious to watch in the flask...  he swears it was moses parting the red sea in there...

Any ideas what caused the failed gassing or the blood red color?     (gasser worked fine gassing the pfed from the naptha in the tetra trap a few hours earlier).

Bob's invisible sidekick  (reflatable pete) gave the event a proper nickname  "Chemical Stigmata"... It was unique no doubt!     

bob's parrot... swears its virtually the same product that was the street standard for meth in 1993...  swim agrees to.... it just had that vintage spark that is missing from a lot of batches these days do to the lwr and its too many legs to run with.

Seems like the properly done LWR product gives a TINY line a lot of punch...  but the short and hot just has some spark that was missing yet not totally vital to the overall effiency of the gear..    a wire is a wire...  once your there its just a ride... but it seems with the short and hot... that initial getting there is more noticeable than the lwr's smooth ass railroad to space.

Swim loves the lwr for its ability to do it to it every time... but bob will have to play around with more short and hots with mbrp to see what the FUCK made moses part the red sea in the middle of the rxn.

ALSO...  that fag ass eudragon piss shit..   its in the generic 120's pretty bad... BUT... those expensive ones that are $6.45 a box are a good source (exp 07) sold all over the world in pussymart.... they have no dragonpiss to swims knowledge or experence....  at the moment.

Swim still sais to those fellow beez....  the tetra trap with VM&P naptha is a viable route to clean feed...  just use vm&p or else you will get gacked in the arse with xylene or toulene... this is a fact...    Its a special time... ez feed with VM&P!
09-13-04 11:24
      some uh... sheeuuut
(Rated as: incomprehensible)