TheHitMan (Newbee)
09-13-04 07:38
No 531146
      100% Eph Hcl?     

I have some time ago aquired some "100% Ephedrine hcl" tablets, they are supposedly between 30 and 40mg per tablet. I can't correctly recall - but I know it's around this mark.

 Now, I may have struck pot luck (ha!) or am I being fobbed off?

 As these are pressed and have some markings on them, they have to have been processed somewhere, so I come here to ask a few questions. Are these pills 100% Eph Hcl?

 Or are they pressed with some sort of binders? I should think that they are, as I'm not sure that pure Eph Hcl can be pressed into a pill form?

 I've tasted (read:ate, chomped) one and it tasted very bitter/sour on the end/tip of my tongue. And had a slight burning sensation on the tongue.

 As far as I can tell, it doesn't have any smell that I can detect in the pill form. So I powdered one up and again checked for a smell, and nothing that I could smell, just a burning sensation at the back of my nose. (I'm thinking I may of accidently sniffed some of the airborne powder?)

 I've attached some pictures to better help describe my delimma, also my first topic - so hoping it's in the right section!

(Hive Bee)
09-13-04 20:22
No 531225

how big are these pills? a ruler or some kinda scale (even a coin or something) next to the pills would help. a 30-40mg pill would be pretty small. SWIM would tend to think that there would be SOMETHING else in there, but the fewer gakks the better, so they may prove to be good with all the new shit in the pills now-a-days... 100% usually only means 100% of the active ingredients.

09-14-04 00:03
No 531242
      Yes, this pill are 30mg eph hcl and come from...     

Yes, this pill are 30mg eph hcl and come from indonesia(BUT NOT PURE).Swim always have trubel with this pills he always get 3 layers in the sep.funel after I/Rp/E rxn whit this pills.
(Chef d'Equippe)
09-14-04 00:03
No 531243
      Taste & smell testing are pointless and ...     

Taste & smell testing are pointless and downright ridiculous ways to determine purity of any substance. 30-40mg's of substance pressed into a table form would be very small. Using a very simplistic line of logic here, one may place a single tablet on a scale and weigh it or even a group of them. If a single tab weighs in over the 30-40mg (or as a  group weight) mentioned, then its a safe assumption there are binders present. 100% in this case, more than likely refers to the E-Hcl constituent and does not contain any other forms of the E molecule co-mixed. Some E-pills that were available are an alkoloidial/Hcl mixture along with binders.

"Sadistic Surgeon of the Mind, Sadist of the Noblest Blood"
(Hive Bee)
09-14-04 00:24
No 531248

Commonly, the indo 30mg's do indeed have eph-hcl with some basic fillers and binders (u can see they are pretty crumbly).  By no means polygaaks or the like found in pharmacy sinus meds... 

he always get 3 layers in the sep.funel after I/Rp/E rxn whit this pills.

So u just crush and react the whole pills!?  It dont work that easy...

Try an alcohol pull on the GUPS followed by an a/b.  Your pill mass will reduce and u will have pure(er) Eph-hcl.  React that rp/i and notice the difference.
09-14-04 07:02
No 531276
      The pills are 3mm thick, and 4mm wide.     

The pills are 3mm thick, and 4mm wide. I am unable to weigh them at the moment.


I have now crushed the Pill Mass (PM) and am going to give it an alcohol wash. Or should I just go with an Acetone wash first? - Please advise.
09-14-04 09:48
No 531291
      I think the pill wight 60mg, do a alcohol wash     

I think the pill wight 60mg, do a alcohol wash then cold aceton +a/b(only alcohol and aceton, don`t work in swims dreamsblush)
(Wizard Master)
09-16-04 03:47
No 531598

HitMan: Just crush a tablet up and see if it ALL dissolves in some pure chloroform. If you get a powdery residue on the bottom, then it's most probable pill filler.
(Hive Addict)
09-16-04 06:04
No 531604
      Bee Aware...     

Some overseas suppliers offer a 12.5mg pill as well.
Some unscrupelous fly-by-nites are known to have passed these off as higher strength 25mg.
The only eph Ibee's ever seen, come wrapped in saran wrap and do look similar to that pic. No label or way to ID.
And Ibee's never heard of 30mg or 60mg ephedrine pills, but he's a reclusive hermit that doesn't get out muchtongue

If no chloroform is handy and you can't determine via Wizardx's suggestion....just weigh a single pill.
Subtract the suspected eph mg from total weight to give total binder/gaak weight.

You Laugh at me because I'm different
I laugh at you because you look the same
(Of Counsel)
09-16-04 08:16
No 531619
      I'd be stunned...     

I'd be stunned if those were pure ephedrine HCl. My experience mirror's Ware's. I've had lots of 1000 tabs of E which were sent as 25 mg tabs that were 12.5 mg tabs and were gakked heavily with alcohol soluble fillers. An a/b was essential to their extraction. I haven't worked with any more of those since I stumbled into the xylene precipitation technique, which may work very well with those tabs. IN fact the STE method might be a great approach with them.

I would say the odds are against them being cleanly extractable, but that might just reflect my prior poor luck with similar tablets, rather than any logical conclusion. I still think anything too good to be true, probably is.

mostly harmless
09-16-04 09:25
No 531631
      Pill weight is 60mg. I too would be surprised...     

Pill weight is 60mg.

 I too would be surprised if they were actually pure Eph Hcl. They do look "crumbly" but are pretty hard to break up, and when they do they break into shards.

 I can't get my hands on Chloroform, so what do you suggest? An alcohol wash, followed by Acetone wash, then A/B?

 Please advise.
(Hive Bee)
09-16-04 10:04
No 531638
      Naptha, IPA, and xylene     

Dont waste your time and Ephedrine, use STE to extract. Post 440177 (VideoEditor: "New Straight to E -- a novel extraction tech.", Stimulants)
09-16-04 14:05
No 531669
      I believe chloroform is easily manufactured by     

I believe chloroform is easily manufactured by acetone and bleach as in pool shock! Mabee someone can direct you to the reaction or just use TFSE.


Big Paper Face Maker™
(Hive Addict)
09-16-04 14:24
No 531673
      Either or....     

The STR82E or the Egull Method will work.
It just so happened that when Ibee had first hand experience with Eph, he was visiting a fellow bee who had aquired them from a reliable source who aquired them from overseas. 5 sacks of 1000 pills.
The word was handed down to pay the asking price and Ibee was kinda shocked when the numbers didn't add UP against the sellers implied weight after extraction.
5000 pills were split in two and the first half were birched after only a tetra wash. Not quite GUPchucking but Ibee insisted on working his magic on the second 2500 in order to show the improvement experienced when bioassaying. The egull was performed on the second half by Ibee while the cook worked his magic in the blue lagoonlaugh
When the first batch came up short against the implyed the 25mg that the owner thought he had, Ibee and crew had the proof that somebee was fibbing at the point of sale.
Upon pinning that source down, he swore that he was told they were 25mg and had no way to test on short notice.
Yeah well long story short....these buggers weighed in at 60mg whole pill weight.
But only contained 12.5mg. And that # was sketchy to boot upon final weight of obtained reduced.
What a bite in the ass when you're expecting around 100g and only able to walk away with less than 50g.
Bulk extracts are a bitch....but a sure way to determine what ya got is to take a set small batch number....say 80 pills and do an egull on them(By the way....the Egull worked like a charm on these and everybee hitting the tube from the egull extracted birched goodz noticed the stronger difference on the first blast.)
80x25mg=2g expected
80x12.5mg=1g expected

Ibee noticed during that first ephedrine exp that it takes more alky pulls of the Pillmass than it takes when working with pfed. Must be a solubility difference in alky between pfed and eph!
Side by side testing was done on those Eph pills between ISO and Denat
Denat pulled more E xtals per equal pull than ISO.

You Laugh at me because I'm different
I laugh at you because you look the same
(Of Counsel)
09-16-04 15:00
No 531676
      same pills     

I ran the same pills. MeOH was markedly better than ISO for extracting. An a/b into hot naptha followed by titrating for the salt form worked very cleanly on those pills with very good yields, however, and I did no further alky extractions.

mostly harmless