Martian_A (Newbee)
09-15-04 03:48
No 531356
      Colourless Iodine Solution - Oz     

Anyone found a method to extract the Colourless Iodine Solution in Oz.. This has replaced our beloved Iodine Tincture. After doing h2o2 hcl & dh20, i found that the colour did change to dark red however, no crystals recipitated. Any Ideas? Any Methods?
- Martian_A
- DONT UTFSE ME! Already Done!
09-15-04 04:19
No 531359
      this stuff doesn't give up the goods AFAIK...     

this stuff doesn't give up the goods AFAIK .There is mention of it somewhere here but i can't find it at the moment.Basicaly it said don't bother with that stuff (possibly why they have fased the tinc. out ?)But while I've got you there you posted a write up on how you were succesfull with povodine - iodine extraction ? I can't get it to work but if it works for you why even bother with the small bottles ? The povodine stuff is much easier to come by in much larger quantaties,(in oz that is ) so my question is did the stuff you extracted react ? blush[red]Edit:Sorry that was not you that posted the povodine extraction it "navarone" (stil not convinced that it works , any other stories of success ?)Bottom line is in Oz the options are limited: tincture works but is getting harder to source, chem-supply stores list it for sale but i can't comment on how easy it is to source as i have necer tried this option; this leaves the most obvious source that is both free and plentyfull, sublimation from kelp. I haven't tried yet but plan to give it a go. When you think about it the production of iodine in the very early days could not have been very sophisticated , kelp is every where for the collection and the iodine can be sublimed from ashed kelp AFAIK.Would really love to here from some one who has done the feild testing of this process, any bees had a go for real ?

meat is YUMMY....
(Hive Bee)
09-15-04 04:55
No 531366
      emperical iodine work up     

did it, tryed it with color,less, here is what i did with a litre of it.

put in 1/4 of hcl let sit for 15 min
put in 300 ml of hydrogen peroxide at 3% let sit for 15 min


then crashed out with a litre of de mineralised water.

worked for me, strange, what work up did you do?

09-15-04 05:10
No 531369
      interesting .....I have just left it alone...     

interesting .....I have just left it alone after reading that it was no good !Serves me right for no doing the test myself !Will do it now blush  thanks for the correction HB

meat is YUMMY....
09-15-04 10:02
No 531420

Gold X?
Thats what i DID have access to, funny, i only buy 1, it didnt work. Go back to get another and its all off the shelf. Seems, ALL iodine tincture, iodine paint & colourless iodine solution have all been discontinued by sigma. Chemists around here mainly use sigma as their supplier. Sux :/
- Martian_A
09-15-04 11:32
No 531428
      No Iodine around SWIT's area     

Despite looking in a range of pharms around SWIT's area i havent seen Iodine solution in any form on shelves for around 1 month. I was informed by a pharmicist it was a supplier issue...

Time will tell i suppose. SWIT is still yet to check feedstores however, so maybe more success is to be had there.

To bee or not to be
09-15-04 12:46
No 531435
      Yeah, they all say that!     

Most chemists do say that, pharmacies in SWIM's area say they have been trying to get ahold of that stuff for the last 3 months. However, the supplier for tinctures and paints in this area are supplied by sigma, who make it. The site says its still in manufacturing, however, chemists have "discontinued/out of stock, please ask pharmacist for a suitable equivilent" signs in the tinture area of the shelf. My source says sigma have nailed down sales of it due to illegal use (that goes for sudafed too although they simply supply it, dont make it) as well as the latest gangland bullshit down in Melbourne. SWIM knows for a fact that a Sigma employee was setting up some of the boys with kg's of pseudoephedrine. So I can understand why Sigma have gone a little sus.
- Martian_A