Lestat (Hive Bee)
09-15-04 20:00
No 531557

I UTFSE for this,but TFSE returned a shitload of articles on meth.

Is ethamphetamine active at all? can ethylamine bee subbed for methylamine (and does this hold true for other alkylamines?) in the reductive amination of P2P or P2NP?

I think it might bee a good idea to update TFSE to bee able to search for specific strings too maybee.

Non omnis moriar, tenebris é clarior
09-15-04 22:04
No 531567
      You can search for specific strings, just put...     

You can search for specific strings, just put what you want inside inverted commas.
The results come back highlighting all different letters in the post for some weird reason but each post returned will containing the string you specified.

Your an individual just like everyone else.
(Hive Addict)
09-15-04 22:13
No 531569
      Ethylamphetamine Information......     

Try looking at this thread and also look under ethylamphetamine.......java

Post 509282 (Rhodium: "Dimethoxyamphetamines: Analytical data", Serious Chemistry)

It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.......
-Emiliano Zapata-
(Hive Bee)
09-16-04 00:47
No 531583
      After emerging from a journey of forty days...     

After emerging from a journey of forty days and forty nights in the deepest darkest bowels of TFSE, only a few references were found for ethylamphetamine, but judging from the effects of ethyl substitution instead of methyl, in many phens, possibly might bee sort of like a less "tweaky" meth?

Would a standard Al/Hg reductive amination using ethylamine instead of methylamine yield the ethamphetamine product? I have't looked up on isopropyl or propyl amphetamines yet, just coming to that one.

Non omnis moriar, tenebris é clarior
(The Archetypical "Good Guy")
09-16-04 01:48
No 531585
      Re: Is ethamphetamine active at all?     

Is ethamphetamine active at all?

Yes - see Post 66568 (psyloxy: "Re: N-ethylamphetamine ?", Novel Discourse)

Can ethylamine bee subbed for methylamine (and does this hold true for other alkylamines?)

Yes and yes. Don't know about all alkylamines, but for most not-too-funky primary alkylamines it holds.

...in the reductive amination of P2P or P2NP?

For P2P yes - for P2NP no. There is no way to reductively aminate P2NP as it contains a nitro group and not an amine.


Only one way leads to Valhalla - Running amok with TOTAL VIKING POWER
(Hive Bee)
09-16-04 02:07
No 531587
      Might well come under the category of ...     

Might well come under the category of "funky", but what about creating cyclohexyl, or pinacolyl substituted amphetamines?

Having said that, I have yet to see a psycoactive substance with a pinacolyl substitution, going off on a tangent a little, but maybe it would produce an interesting PCP analogue, PPP maybe, or some interesting new tryptamines/phenssmile

The alcohol is available I think, from some farming products, a sheep dip type of thing as I remember, although it would bee quite hard to obtain, due to its more unsavoury uses, beeing one of the precursors to the nerve agent soman.

Non omnis moriar, tenebris é clarior
(The Archetypical "Good Guy")
09-16-04 03:01
No 531594
      Probably a waste of time...     

When it comes to degree of stimulation, the trend is that the most bulky allowed N-alkyl group is a methyl group. Larger groups seems to decrease the potency (~10X for meth to ethylamphetamine). So tagging on even larger groups will, with high probability, lead to decreased potency.

Only one way leads to Valhalla - Running amok with TOTAL VIKING POWER