jsorex (Hive Addict)
09-28-04 22:27
No 533620
      alcohol people! alcohol, with food.     

alcohol people! alcohol, with food. The problem is though that when tweaking hard I have no appetite.

(Hive Bee)
09-28-04 22:40
No 533627
      promethazine (Phenergan) you have a beautiful...     

promethazine (Phenergan) you have a beautiful long dozy soft sleep. Try 10mg first.

Valerian does work too.

Milk doesn't help me, I wish it would!
(Hive Bee)
09-28-04 23:23
No 533637
      Prescription sleeping pills     

As far as prescription sleeping pills go, a good alternative to benzos are 'beta blockers'. They are safe, non-habit forming alternatives to sleep/crash on. My friend is prescribed them as a supplement to adderall. I'm not sure how they work but they slow down the cardiovascular system somehow.

I forget the proper name of the drug but in my limited expierence these things actually work.

Anybee know more about these?

Pot is fun.
09-29-04 02:30
No 533667
      Propanolol, Inderal, etc...     

10mg - 100 for $10.
We are a top XXXXXXXXXn mail order pharmacy
with over 250,000 clients. Fast shipping,
great service. Trust your health
with the industry experts.

Class of Drug:
Non-cardioselective b-blockers (beta-blockers).

Tablets, propranolol hydrochloride 10mg, 40mg, 80mg, 160mg.
Capsules, s/r, propranolol 80mg, 160mg.
 Oral solution (syrup), propranolol hydrochloride 5mg/5mL, 10mg/5mL and 50mg/5mL

Clinical Indications:
Hypertension. Prophylaxis of upper gastrointestinal bleeding in patients with portal hypertension and oesophageal varices. Adjunct in thyrotoxicosis.

Hypertension, initially, 80mg twice daily, increased at weekly intervals as required. Maintenance dose, 160-320mg daily.
Portal hypertension, initially, 40mg twice daily, increased to 80mg twice daily according to heart rate. Maximum daily dose, 160mg.
Thyrotoxicosis, 10-40mg three to four times daily.
Not recommended.

2nd or 3rd degree AV block, sinus bradycardia, sick sinus syndrome, severe peripheral arterial disease, uncompensated cardiac failure, cardiogenic shock, hypotension, right ventricular failure secondary to pulmonary hypertension, significant cardiomegaly, untreated phaeochromocytoma. Generally contra-indicated in patients with obstructive airways disease or a history of bronchospasm.

Poor cardiac reserve should be controlled with digitalis and diuretics. Diabetes. Metabolic acidosis. Asthenic symptoms. Cerebrovascular insufficiency. Atopy. Renal or hepatic impairment, thyrotoxic crisis. General anaesthesia; consider withdrawal before elective surgery. Pregnancy, lactation. Withdraw gradually.

Clonidine withdrawal, verapamil, diltiazem, class II calcium antagonists, class I antiarrhythmics, cardiac depressant anaesthetics, hypoglycaemics, reserpine, other antihypertensives, ergot alkaloids, cimetidine, rifampicin, theophylline, warfarin, CNS depressants, sympathomimetics, indometacin (indomethacin).

Side Effects:
Cold extremities, sleep disturbances, bradycardia, exertional tiredness, bronchospasm, heart failure, hypotension, gastrointestional upset. If unexplained dry eyes or skin rash occur withdraw gradually.

When your manic-depressive extra-marital girlfriend
calls your wife
and tells her all,
and then calls the cops
and says you are the worlds biggest MA cook;
and calls your office and threatens the receptionist?

A beta blocker is good.

when you have to give a speech in front of a large and
unknown group of associates: many of whom know more about the subject of your 45 minute speech than do you?

A beta blocker is good.

Beta blockers suppress the adrenaline-anxiety- jumpy fight/flight effect:
you can fake your speech and not have a knee quiver:
you can take the call from your manic girlfriend
and tell her she is behaving irrationally and childishly, instead of screaming
into the phone..

but don't take a freaking beta blocker before you are
supposed to play a wicked game of racquetball:

you wanna get charged,
and there ain't NO charge to get.

"Oh lookie, there goes the ball right over there:
hmm hmm: wonder if I should try to get it: Nah: toooo
"Oh shit, I'm playing shitty.  Oh well, i don't really care all that much.."

"HMM hmm theregoes anudder ball..............."


Friend says, "Why dwarfer, you aren't playing
all that well today.."

d says, "Oh well."


09-29-04 02:53
      pure heroin or:
(Rated as: insignificant)
10-01-04 06:09
No 533996
      Best way to crash...     

My acquaintances always swear by the ingestion of opiates. And, being a junkie myself and not a meth user, I can attest to the effect of the sacred poppy. I suggest:   
             5-10 mg Hydrocodone
             30-60 mg codiene   depending on tolerance.
                     higher tolerances will need more.

I usually ask.."How Many Lortab/Vicodin/Tylenol 3/Percoset/
Lorcet/Endocet/Oxycontin/Morphine or other narcotic preparation does it take you to get a buzz?" then promptly ingest slightly less than that amount. Most people find the "high" quite stimulating if they've been up several days...That's why you go for less. Same inverse reaction with benzos and barbs. The relaxation is interpreted as euphoria and you'll want to keep going. Use less and that little tickle will usually put you right to bed.

I suffer from reverse paranoia. I think everyone is out to help me.
(Hive Bee)
10-01-04 06:42
No 534002
      Hell yes....     

I need to get some help sleeping after a good tweak... I hate lying there day 4 or whatever feeling too fucked to actually do anything productive or useful but unable to crash out...

But you beez better stop that talk of milk, unobs gonna get neurotic if he seez this thread...  shocked

Hey what about chloral hydrate or whatever its called. Easy to synth isn't it? Never been there so don't know really, but read somewhere it knocks you out pretty quick...

Yeah metalgirl... good blast of smack anyday hehehe... problem then is up for another three days partying.. cool

Oh,  Hang on, thats not a problem... cool


Reality is just a crutch for people who can't handle drugs...
(Hive Bee)
10-01-04 14:13
No 534021
      Well swim can tell you that no amount of bud...     

Well swim can tell you that no amount of bud or alcohol will get you to sleep.
One night swim had bout 50mg of meth, smoked a fat joint (swim isnt a smoker so this destroyed him) then had bout 5 beers.
After being completly trashed till bout 4 in the morning and loving it, swim still could not get to sleep, infact did not sleep at all that night.
So bud and alcohol might remove the buz but it wont get you to sleep.

Swim smoked some meth one morning in prep for a big study day, the buz wore off bout 4 oclock, that night he took 30mg of codeine and this did nothing to help him sleep.

Large meals, bud and alcohol may be good to remove the buz but wont get you to sleep.

So i guess one will have to be looking at prescription sleeping pills, stronger opiates maybe, and the beta blockers look like they'll do the trick.
With hydrocodone/codeine combo im guessing the hydrocodone does all the tough work while the codeine helps keep the nausea away.

Thanks guys laugh youse all huge help

Your an individual just like everyone else.
(Hive Bee)
10-01-04 15:33
No 534028

It acts as an antidote to dopamine-release/uptake enhancing drugs like meth/amph/coke...

And contrary to opiates/benzo's/etc. you have to take slightly MORE than you would need for a decent buzz - and you WILL sleep, promised...wink

(Of Counsel)
10-01-04 16:04
No 534033

You can't sleep on meth?

Hmmm. I recall a time I couldn't. Not a time when I didn't need to, but simply couldn't. EVen now it doesn't occur to me to sleep after I am rested and first take some from a fresh batch.

But by the second day, I have a rule I enforce rather rigorously. I lay down in a dark room, quietly, for two hours at least, and usually four, and rest. I have learned over the years to fall asleep and when I wake, I am refresed and alert.

I have worked with biofeedback therapies several times in my life, however, and use these to help relax and sleep. I learned the techniques originally to deal with severe headaches; later to deal with post traumatic stress disorder and the effects of an excess of adrenalin in the blood stream. It also works well for meth.

I find myself frequently taking a puff of meth before I lay down to sleep. This may sound strange to you, but for me it works. The stimulation allows me to relax through the biofeedback, and helps me be alert and rested when I do wake up.

The lady I live with still has trouble believing I can do some meth and sleep... but as she says, its just one more of the strange things about me...laugh

mostly harmless
(Hive Bee)
10-01-04 23:46
No 534071
      Lying down is good     

I don't even go to sleep, but simply lie down for a couple hours on 2nd or third nite, just to relax and let the body catch up a little. Don't want a heart attack before I hit thirty (although it probably gonna happen anyway, the way I live...)

Some sleeping pills are short-acting. i think they are best (dunno what they called can't remember) but once I am asleep I can usually stay that way for few hours. Even couple good to have break, slow the heart rate down a little etc. Short-acting so no lingering effects next day - although sometimes those lingering effects are nice themselves... fuck I'm such a druggie ha ha

I agree on first nite or two, when really wired, nothing at all almost will work. Yeah morphine/heroin overdose, but the 'hangover' effect of too much of that stuff for me is as bad as being fucked up from lack of sleep...


Reality is just a crutch for people who can't handle drugs...