bobcat31467 (Stranger)
09-28-04 16:57
No 533566
      "By Scott I Think He Has Something Here"     

Ok SWIM took the advice of those bees that responded, then re-responded to his post, "Molten Flash "WOW".  Ascention: Thank you for the advice and as a matter of factly it will indeed come in handy.  Geez, you are a gift my friend, and SWIM does realize that alot of mistakes can, and will bee made in theses processes.  I am forever indebeted to this site and a couple of others that keep me up all night.  I have a funny feeling that that aint the only thing that keeps SWIM up till his eyes blur. Last night SWIM had another dream.  Only thhis time it didnt involve using the wrong solvents.  He added 3.5 grams (ground fine in coffee grinder) to a 250ml flatbottom), and brought to a light boil. By the way the vessel was in a double boiler situaion.  as the meth hcl started to boil SWIM added .04ml (4 drops from a .08ml eyedropper, into the solution.  He then let it boil till the slury was almost to a crunch (or a crackle). then goods were flashed with acetone (dry & cold)
 and brought to A Slight boil again. I took it off the heat and allowed to cool to room temp.  Then I slammed it into the freezer and that is where the majority of it still is except for the issue removed for a.m wake up and the images.

Wind em up, and watch em "GO"