Sh0rtTerm (Stranger)
10-07-04 19:39
No 534840
      Mystery powder     

Powder was given to SWIM as pseudoephedrine. It is a very fine crystiline powder. Under a loop it looks like little needles. It burns cleanly off of foil. If heated untill it melts, then allowed to cool, it forms a clear and colorless sticky patch that doesnt crystalize. If you put a bit on your tounge it has a bitter bad taste that then numbs the spot. I tried to do some polarized sunglasses fun, but as you might have guessed, the results were inconclusive with no shift. Is 90% iso a usable solvent for it? It is what I had. Yes, I am a dumbass and dont know what I have. Anybee know what it is? Dutch guys are using it to cut coke and have lots more.
10-07-04 21:37
No 534853
      does a small sample disolve in den. Alch?     

does a small sample disolve in den. Alch? how bout in tone? may help a
(Of Counsel)
10-07-04 23:53
No 534865
      probably not pure pseudo     

"clear and colorless sticky patch..."  even the cleanest pseudo I've melted has a gold color when melted on foil.

"bitter bad taste that then numbs the spot.." Bitter as hell, yes. Make-you-gag bitter if you dump enough of it in your mouth. Won-t-quit-gagging-me bitter. But numb? That's not pseudo. 

May be a mix of pseudo and something else.

mostly harmless
(soccer mom)
10-08-04 00:21
No 534867
      it might be....     

It has been a long time since I've seen or heard of "procaine" being used but it sure sounds alot like it.  Here's a test I found at ../rhodium /psychedelicchemistry/chapter8.html

5. Burning test. The powdered cocaine is placed on aluminum foil and held over a low flame or match. The cocaine will burn clear. A sugar cut will darken and burn a dark brown or black therefore the larger the cut, the darker the burn. Crystallized speed or methamphetamine will pop when burned. Salts do not burn and remain as residue (cuts such as procaine or quinine also burn fairly pure although it is alleged that procaine can be detected by a bubbling of the substance before it burns clear).

There's a terrorist behind every Bush.
10-08-04 05:29
No 534907
      Thanks for the help, beez     

It does have a bubbling. So procaine it is, I guess. The search continues!