UpanAtom (Stranger)
10-16-04 12:15
No 536065
      This new color caught his eye     

His post E+I2+RP work-up, A/B, a teal color in his DH2O when lye was added, He's had this color in the past on 3 differant A/B work-up's, the only variable that was changed or differant in any way, was the use of new MBRP, very clean and washed many time's, but still new. RP was cleaned, re-used, for 3 more dream's. All 3 of his other dream's has a white color when lye was added to DH2O for the start of the A/B work-up. Total of 4 RXN's, then RP discarded and replaced with new RP, He's never seen a write up on this color, anyway, he's keep note's of all past RXN's on his quest to be self suficiant in this world. The honey from his teal colored dream's, as far as return ratio's and quality of his honey, it's euphoric, He cant put it into words,,, but you hear what he's screamen. cool please help this teenager bee understand why? His little kitchen helper's not liking his conclusion's! New RP every time he has a dream!

 UpanAtom a stranger still? Fuckin crazy maybe, a perve definatley, but a stranger,,, UpanAtom might not post like alot or chat like some, ask the right question all of the time or have a master in chemistry but thats why some are here,,,to learn and understand what we didnt before! tongue UpanAtom feeling no luv from the BIG BEE's,, damn  lol
10-16-04 23:13
No 536116
      same E??     

Was the E used in all reactions from the same batch?

Were different pills extracted and used with the teal results?
(Hive Addict)
10-17-04 01:42
No 536130
      Okay first off...     

In good conscience, whether it's a joke or not, you know the rules of the site! Particularly regarding age.
>please help this teenager bee understand why?
That statement restricts me from answering! Joking or not!
Newbee would have been a better choice as I think that was what was meant. But as is...point blank...it's a no-fly zone!
You been around long enough!
Tighten UP!

If the shoethrows fits...Ware Itout
(Hive Bee)
10-17-04 03:20
No 536134

...too much heat. SWIX has in past had MBRP decompose somehow when flask boiled too vigourously into brown muddy stuff that is no longer useable. Rxn works but RP mud afterwards. And yes brown colour solution on addition of base. If this sounds same try reducing heat so flask just gently bubbling and not intense boil ok.


Reality is just a crutch for people who can't handle drugs...
(Hive Addict)
10-17-04 03:30
No 536136
      If the gear's good don't sweat the lye layer color     

Swim's buddy has seen the lye layer go every color of the rainbow. Sometimes even within the same batch.

Lately purple which then finally fades to white or a pale yellow has been common. And yes, the greens and blues are also quite frequently seen. But the end product has always been fine and white as the driven slush coming out of all of these tonal variations on the lye layer water color.

That's the real important factor and bottom line here.

If using the Kerplunk method of basing the H202 for sure is a factor in multi hued showings of color.

can't flush this
10-17-04 05:48
No 536144
      facts left out original post     

War SWIU is sorry for his outburst last night,, He was on the downward leg of his latest dream. He was just trying to get his point across,,,upgrade a cave dweller,,,tongue

CloudyDaze42 SWIU used the same E for all his RXN's like he stated in original post, (the only variable that was changed or differant in any way, was the use of new MBRP, very clean and washed many time's, but still new) He has been stockpilling everything, he was tired of nano's,,,

Xaja the heat was done in exactly the same manner each time on all RXN's, he has developed his own version of an RXN that works fantastic for him and he does things the same way each and everytime. He has went so far to make a time ledger for every stage/step. Increasing his heat is even timed. His freedom to dream is limited.  

ChemoSabe this was the first of any color other than white, so he made a note of this event and went ahead and finished his A/B and like he said,,,euphoric all three times,,,SWIU was just wondering why the color change, leftover glues in RP or just filler in the RP on MB from his area.

thanks all!!!! UpanAtom is back to his cave
(Hive Addict)
10-17-04 06:04
No 536146
      Its the MBRP     

As Chemo has already said, it is not uncommon to see turquoise, green, blue and even increasingly purple as more lye is added to the mother A/B jar. SWIM has seen the NP fuel layer turn some pretty interesting colors.

He is convinced that it is the MBRP! When switching to hypo or phosA, he no longer has these problems in his dreams. Don't let it bother you, he has yet to see any of it transfer to the end product.

I wonder how many people have witnessed these strange colors for the first time and out of fear of toxic by-products ended by flushing the dream down the toilet?

Consistently, over a two year period (when dreaming with MBRP) Swim can't remember a time when the rainbow of colors wasn't present, he got to the point where he assumed that it was just "par for the course" crazy

Hmmm, UPandatom... Cloudy"DAZE" and Chemo? You'll have to BEAR with me, looks like just SWIM and the mods in this thread... laugh

10-22-04 07:24
No 537087
      Just thoughs little details     

SwiU Never toss's anything, till the end, just cause! That's what he's learned, he just likes to know details of why, what, when, ya know. SwiU say's thanks.
(Hive Bee)
10-22-04 15:56
No 537154
      Re:MBRP gakk     

Scottydog, this bee to believed that his MBRP source was tainted as well.  However, after he switched to denatured alky only(no acetone)used to remove the MBRP, he noticed no more trouble out the MBRP.  Maybe they quit gakking it.  Scottydog was the only other bee swim talked to that had the same probs with MBRP.  A bee could identify the red when it started "popping" like mad, splattering flask contents all over the inside walls.  It was also noted that it kept the pseudo from fully reducing.

SWIM has seen the NP fuel layer turn some pretty interesting colors.

Ever try washing those colors out Scotty?  Swim has had limited success with reducing the overall hue, but could never completely wash out.

Makes me stand UP/move around

(Hive Addict)
10-22-04 23:26
No 537200
      Great Tip!     

Great tip there Gluey! Another thing that SWIM found to work in ditching the MBRP glue/rubber generated colors is ISO IPA. When a bee has reached a point to where they believe the RP to bee clean or as clean as it is going to get, do two anhydrous isopropyl alcohol boils back to back and then finish UP with an acetone wash. I forgot which bee turned SWIM onto this but he says that it works great!!

ISO IPA wil get the MBRP to that amorphous powder-like consistency that bees have all grown to love. wink
