NaXen (Hive Bee)
10-17-04 21:53
No 536215
      allotropic forms of phosphorous     

Is the chemical formula and structure for phosphorous the same for red and white phosphorous (P4, tetrahedral)? cant seem to find anything specific on google. thanks!

(Hive Bee)
10-17-04 23:08
No 536230
      I think red P is a polymeric form of the white     

I think red P is a polymeric form of the white allotrope,  but there are also diverse different forms of red, amorphous, tetragonal, cubic, triclinic, and a dark red form.

Aside from the tetrahedral white, there are also cubic, and hexagonal allotropes of white phosphorus.

Over unity and rivers of blood for all!
(Chief Bee)
10-17-04 23:50
No 536233
      See Post 480857     

See Post 480857 (SHORTY: "Allotropes of Phosphorus", Stimulants)

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
10-18-04 05:49
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