bobcat31467 (Stranger)
10-18-04 12:40
No 536337
      Another Pfed extraction     

smileWell guys and gals, SWIB has a little write up to do. 
SWIB has even done pretty good to keep notes (that of course will go out with the trash upon the dreams end).  I must confess though that the pfed extraction is a culmilation of two wonderful posts.  One is from post #237276 (pg 8)written by a bee named Aurelius.  The second post is #370281 (part2).  SWIB stared with 5 boxes of generic 120's, he put the pill mass into a 500mL Erlenmeyer flat bottom flask (purchased along with some other items following the guidelines from  strikes second book Total Synthesis II)and covered the pill mass with Denat alcohol.  The entire solution was shaken for 5 min. then placed in the refridgerator for 30 min.  The top layer was then siphoned off using a 14.79mL poultry baster, and a small glass eyedropper (pipet) both purchased from a local chain Rx.  This procedure was repeated three times.  The pfed/alcohol soulution was then filtered, and placed into another 500mL flat bottom, and placed double boiler style (using water)in a pot and place on the stove to evaporate the mixture to a working level.  I placed a candy thermoneter in the mouth of the flask (personal inquisisitivness) and noted that the B.P of the alcohol was indeed btwen 69-75 degrees Cel. as I had read. When the solution was evaped to a thicker consistency it was pulled out of the boiler, and allowed to cool momentarily.  It was then poured into awaiting vessels of Acetone (twice the amount that SWIB was going to pour into each jar.  As the post stated, "this will cause the pfed to crash out", and lo and behold ladies and gentleman, snow chains required. Of course that was the dirty pfed.  Next sucessive naptha boils were done(may have hurt yield a little using naptha) until the soultion stayed clear, one last filtering, and finally an acid/base extraction for clean pfed crystals.  Sorry guys it's not dry so a yield now would be inacurate(as you all know).  However when I sit down to write up my mbrp extraction that I'm dreaming of I will include the yield from the pfed extractioncool

Wind em up, and watch em "GO"
10-18-04 21:23
No 536515
      I will do "EXACTLY" whats suggested.     

shockedI'm shocked that any one responded to my post, but am grateful nonetheless.  I will try the M.E K.  Any and all feedback from other bee's would be most appreciated, Exspecially you Geez.  [red]You and Rhodium are the shit.  [black]If you saw anything that I could've done differently I will humbly listen.  My attidude of two to three weeks ago was absurd.  I said I would post the Yield from this extraction, and so I shall.  It suffered badly, and I believe it was due to using denatured in place of methanol?  (according to my readings both here and Rhodiums site I was under the impression that denat. could be imported wherever alcohol was called for.  Then again it could be that I used the naptha, and not the tolulene.  These are things that I must learn, and from here on out will not allow my pride, and ego to interfere with my ability to learn, or ask questions.  Oh! The yield!  Well on 5 boxes 20CT. 120's barely 3 grams. OUCH!!!!  I HAVE BEEN HUMBLED, AND DON'T WANT TO HEAR A BUNCH OF SHIT! However I am willing to accept my hat, and eat the nasty fucker.  The Bobcat   By the way, what is the diff between M.E.K, and acetone? ARE'NT THEY BOTH kEYTONES? I shall go [purple]UTFSE while I await a reply.

Wind em up, and watch em "GO"
(Hive Bee)
10-18-04 21:36
No 536516

yield could have been worse, 25% is alright for a first least you got something back!

the difference between MEK and acetone is that MEK is just more aggressive...they are indeed both ketones (methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) and dimethyl ketone (acetone))

(Hive Bee)
10-19-04 04:11
No 536568
      check out my thread's     

works fucking real well, u should have a 10 gram return off that. tetra trap with ammonia instead of water.
(Of Counsel)
10-19-04 07:20
No 536607
      MEK and Acetone     

MEK and Acetone are very similar, but they are not the same. There is more of a difference between them than there is a difference between (for example) xylene and tolulene. They are largely interchangeable, but there are some significant differences between them. Videoeditor noticed the difference and suggested some selective MEK use a long time ago. Both meth and pseudo are more soluble in MEK than in acetone. MEK seems more effective in dissolving some of the broken fragments of eudgragit polymers than acetone. The difference is one of degree in many ways, but in others it is one of kind. They are very definitely not the same solvent, and while they are largely interchangeable, they are not completely interchangeable.

mostly harmless