superman (Hive Bee)
10-27-04 21:07
No 538247
      what the fuck did i just snort???     

this afternoon dreamt i did a 3rd pull on a jar of xylene from a previous dream.   evaped, scraped,   my solvent arsenal consists of xylene, 70% iso, naptha and butane so i didn't rxtall before sniffing the bump i just sniffed.

the thing is there was hardly any burn.   i pulled this stuff at around ph6.5 whereas normally i hit 6.   this shouldn't affect the burn should it???

this must be a foilant from the pills,   funny how it didn't get me on the original workup afaik
funny thing is it has a somewhat pleasant odour after it goes up......

so the question remains... what the fuck did i just snort???
(Of Counsel)
10-28-04 08:44
No 538335
      Who knows?     

Who knows what you snorted? We have no idea what your source for pseudo was,how you extracted it, how you cleaned what you extracted, how you reacted it, how you worked it up. We don't know what problems you encountered in the process, if any, or what your yield was.

All we know is there is hardly any burn and it has a pleasant odor "after it goes up" (I guess) your nose.

Think about your question for a minute-- you did not give anywhere near enough information to even guess at what you inhaled.

mostly harmless
(Hive Bee)
10-28-04 09:30
No 538338
      you're right... thqat was a weak assed ...     

you're right...   thqat was a weak assed question...  

canadian generic 60s TT'd, RXed w/ HI+mbrp, followed by A/B.    yeild was fucking horrible,      quality was also the shits.   got around 25% or so on the original pull.  then this second pull yesterday gave an additional 15%,   but with the gak factored in i obviously didn't approach anywhere near 40%.....

perhaps the meth gods are punishing me for not setting up my computer after i moved so i could stay on top of shit....
10-28-04 17:08
No 538388
      HaH! You are exactly like SWIM!     

Much like SWIMS stupidity, he too would take anything which he produced, even of late when all was good up to basifying, cheddar cheese evolved, extractions took much longer than normal, yields suffered hard and quality was no better than typical street quality crud.

SWIM uses IV, extracted all he could then acified to pH of 6.5 :: Red achey veins, pH was perfect, however excess salt he guesses played the part in off pH in the blood allowing little clots to eventually form.

Experience taught SWIM, dont trust anything! distill gear and recheck product. excess salt should remain.

F&@king S&@aF2D!
(Hive Addict)
10-28-04 17:24
No 538393
      Multi ReX     

I just recommended multi reX as a cure for dirty pseudo but this also goes for any form of dirty meth.

Swim's system now rejects anything but something good and reXed. Spoiled? Maybe but healthy - yes.

can't flush this