potisgood (Stranger)
03-31-01 16:23
No 181279
      chloroform for modified performic?  Bookmark   

I don't have any DCM, but i do have a shitload of chloroform.  Will this shit work instead of DCM as a solvent for the modified performic? Also, I already mixed iso, chloroform, and bicarb for two hours to form the buffered solution, but not all of the bicarb disolved. Is this normal or is bicarb more soluble in DCM.
(Hive Bee)
03-31-01 16:52
No 181286
      Re: chloroform for modified performic?  Bookmark   

I've never tried it, but chloroform should work in lieu of dcm for extraction after the performic.  as far as the solubility of bicarbonate, it's probably not as soluble in chloroform due to the ethyl chain.  don't take my word on that though; I've never tried it.

If pacman influenced us, we'd glide around dark rooms eating pills and listen to repetitive music.
(Hive Bee / Eraser)
04-02-01 00:34
No 181564
      Re: chloroform for modified performic?  Bookmark   

Even in DCM it doesnt dissolve 100%. Only after addition has started will it fully dissolve. I bet that chloro will work, yields may differ though.
(Hive Bee)
04-02-01 10:33
No 181643
      Re: chloroform for modified performic?  Bookmark   

would tetraflouroethane work for extraction if a device were made to separate the layers before it boiled?  if so, that would make the extraction quick as shit because the TFE would evaporate in a couple of minutes on its own.  I have an idea for the device, just want to know if TFE is a good halogenated solvent.

If pacman influenced us, we'd glide around dark rooms eating pills and listen to repetitive music.
(Kitty-KrZ / Eraser)
04-02-01 11:43
No 181661
      Re: chloroform for modified performic?  Bookmark   

In SWIM's experience, all halohydrocarbons (the more popular common ones, at least) work well EXCEPT TCE (trichloroethylene), which causes low yields.
