Archaeoptrix (Newbee)
09-27-01 23:03
No 217876
      WARNING: everyone please read !  Bookmark   

Welp...looks like another piece of bad info. has been dug up on that piece of a shit thread I threw up some weeks ago in this forum titled 'Project Blackbook.'

Its about the ozone generator...whatever your plans might be...DON'T run combustable gasses around/through/over/under/near this thing.  In producing O3 it also produces very live sparks...bad if you want to
preserve your health.  Sorry bout that yall...I'm making sure not to give any advice out on this board from now on.


We hold these truths to be self evident...maybe
(Distinctive Doe)
09-28-01 01:42
No 217936
      Re: WARNING: everyone please read !  Bookmark   

Well hopefully most bee's are smart enough NOT to run organic vapors thru an electric arc ozone generator.

Do Your Part To Win The War
(Hive Addict)
09-28-01 08:36
No 218052
      Re: WARNING: everyone please read !  Bookmark   

I don't remember that thread; how were you producing Ozone with an electric arc?  With most of the transmission lines I have designed, Ozone doesn't become somewhat of a factor until around 230,000 volts when you start experiencing the corona effect, which is drastically reduced with the use of subphases(more than one wire per phase).  What kind of transformer are you using to experience ozone formation?

Sed quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
(Old P2P Cook)
09-28-01 09:08
No 218058
      Re: WARNING: everyone please read !  Bookmark   

A neon sign type transformer works well. Sparks are not very effecient for producing ozone. Best is electrodes with a large surface area facing parallel to each other and with a barely visible corona discharge between the electrode pair. In the lab this is often done by applying the electrodes to two glass tubes  of slightly dissimilar sizes such that othe smaller tube will slip inside the larger. One electrode is applied to the inside of the larger tube and the other electrode is applied to the outside of the smaller tube. Oxygen is then passed through the annular space between the tubes while sufficient voltage is applied between the electrodes to produce a corona discharge.
(Hive Addict)
09-29-01 15:10
No 218397
      Re: WARNING: everyone please read !  Bookmark   

"Welp...looks like another piece of bad info. has been dug up on that piece of a shit thread I threw up some weeks ago in this forum titled 'Project Blackbook.'"

  You're not the only one that has fucked-up here. One time, someone sold me a pain-killer that gave a great high, and I mistook it for phenacetin, which won't get you high, but will damage your liver! I think I made an ass out of myself for posting a synth that could have hurt or killed many bees! Peace!cool

  I'm going to help all of you cleanse this diseased planet.
10-03-01 01:29
No 219609
      Re: WARNING: everyone please read !  Bookmark   

foxy2: that's what I've been hoping

goiterjoe:  Its a thread in the Methods forum entitled 'Project Blackbook' dated 8-22-01 and
            its post number 206580.  The one I describe works just fine for destroying
            non-volatile smells...but for god's sake please don't put anything flamable
            anywhere around this thing.

Bwiti: thanks for the pat on the back man...I'm just afraid another amateur out there has
       already built one of these.

sorry again yall...a


We hold these truths to be self evident...maybe
10-08-01 01:38
No 221398
      Re: WARNING: everyone please read !  Bookmark   

bump (just in case)

We hold these truths to be self evident...maybe