Rhodium (Chief Bee)
10-02-01 23:21
No 219736
      Amphetamine Reduction Review finished  Bookmark   

Finally the whole reference part of this document has been transcribed into HTML, thanks to PrimoPyro. I never had the time to do it myself, but now here it is:

../rhodium /amphetamine.reduction.html

10-04-01 10:07
No 220282
      Re: Amphetamine Reduction Review finished  Bookmark   

The file is really an information goldmine.  Excellent work!!!

I have to point out a little mistake: the NH is omitted in the carbamate that is formed when phenylalanine reacts with the chloroformate (reaction 10)
(Chief Bee)
10-05-01 17:18
No 220789
      Re: Amphetamine Reduction Review finished  Bookmark   

Thanks for pointing out the error, it is now fixed.
(Junior Service Representative)
10-05-01 19:54
No 220831
      Re: Amphetamine Reduction Review finished  Bookmark   

When it's all said and done, is any of this priceless info ever gonna get published?  <could start a revolution>

(Chief Bee)
10-06-01 05:25
No 220906
      Re: Amphetamine Reduction Review finished  Bookmark   

Published? The references? Just take a trip to the library, and copy the references in question, type/OCR them and send them to me and I'll put them online.