jacob019 (Newbee)
10-17-01 22:22
No 225915
      Methylamine HCl vs. Freebase for pipe bomb  Bookmark   

My friends gay uncle has some Methylamine HCL lying around, his friend has some bromosafrole.  They want to make some MDMA together.  I told him to gas the Methylamine into some methanol, then add the bromosafrole and pipebomb for 3-4 hours at 130°.  I don't really know what I'm talking about and my friends uncle doesn't like playing with gasses.  He doesn't have a gas dispersion tube, and he's afraid of losing some of the methylamine.  He wants to just add the HCl form.  Please comment.
(Hive Bee)
10-17-01 22:46
No 225925
      Re: Methylamine HCl vs. Freebase for pipe bomb  Bookmark   

People have claimed to have success with reacting bromosafrol with methylamine in methanol at room temp for a week. If I were you, I'd gas an excess of methylamine through MeOH, add bromosafrol, let react in a sealed container at room temp for a week then evaporate the MeOH and methylamine and extract the remaining oil with dilute HCl.
10-18-01 01:57
No 225990
      Re: Methylamine HCl vs. Freebase for pipe bomb  Bookmark   

Hmmm, he doesn't want to wait a week.  Hes going to use the pipe bomb and then dissolve in toluene and gas with HCl gas.  (would this be impure? would the impurities be dangerous?)  The question is does he really need to gas the methylamine into methanol before adding it to the bomb, or could it be added by itself in its HCl form.
(Stoni's sexual toy)
10-18-01 02:14
No 225994
      Re: Methylamine HCl vs. Freebase for pipe bomb  Bookmark   

> Hmmm, he doesn't want to wait a week. 

Yes, we know. Everybody wants everything right now. Everybody is impatient and taking shortcuts. And that's why so many fail. Because of that ASAP attitude. It doesn't work like that.

> Hes going to use the pipe bomb and then dissolve in
> toluene and gas with HCl gas.  (would this be impure?

Yes. So impure it will probably not even crystallize. Learn what an A/B is, so you will be able to clean it up at least a bit.

> would the impurities be dangerous?

They certainly won't be too healthy.

> The question is does he really need to gas the
> methylamine into methanol before adding it to the bomb,
> or could it be added by itself in its HCl form.

Yes, the MeNH2 has to be gassed into the solvent.
Since that reaction is the shittiest one there is (and therefore almost no bee uses it) your yields will suck bigtime even if your bromosafrole was pure and all went well. Which it probably won't.
10-18-01 02:50
No 226004
      Re: Methylamine HCl vs. Freebase for pipe bomb  Bookmark   

The pipe bomb is an established method. Some have said it works better that letting the shit sit for a week, Its not my asap attitude.  As far as the acid base extraction, Ill do that.  How bad are the yields on this reaction
Im planning on using a route using Br2 on isosafrole then refluxing with KOH for the MDP2P then doing a Al, Hg, Nitro reduction.  I just thought Id try this one out.
(Chief Bee)
10-18-01 03:36
No 226027
      Re: Methylamine HCl vs. Freebase for pipe bomb  Bookmark   

Jacob: Just because it is "established" does not mean that it is good. What are the general yield of pure distilled/recrystallized MDMA with this method? 40% maximum?
10-18-01 15:41
No 226239
      Re: Methylamine HCl vs. Freebase for pipe bomb  Bookmark   

Thanks Rhodium.  I know the method isn't great, but If I can get 40% yields, it still may be worth it.  I have lots and lots of cursors, and it takes a lot less time to do this procedure than go through MDP2P.  I'm going to do both then decide which will maximize costs, time and yield.  The reason the MDP2P takes so long for me is because I'm not finding formic acid.  I might be able to do the bromo route to MDP2P in mass quantities.  The time consuming part is the refluxing with KOH,  but I do have big glass so I should be able to scale up.  Would it work to reflux 1KG safrole with the 2% KOH for the isomerization? How about for the 15% for the bromo to MDP2P.  I have a 5L, 3L, 2L, 1L flasks.  Thanks for all your help, the world needs more people like you.