Vibrating_Lights (Hive Bee)
10-26-01 09:21
No 228956
      Acetone as a PTC in a safrole clorination  Bookmark   

Would acetone be a suitable PTC in a clorination of safrole. The whole defintion of a ptc is that it allows two phases to mix into a homogenious solution for optimal contact correct.  There would not be any adverse side reactions involving the acetone. would the acetone possibly allow for a further saturation of HCL into the solution. DMSO is expensive OTC
(Distinctive Doe)
10-26-01 12:28
No 228990
      Re: Acetone as a PTC in a safrole clorination  Bookmark   

Acetone is not a PTC, it MAY help but not as a PTC.

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(Stoni's sexual toy)
10-26-01 12:59
No 229000
      Re: Acetone as a PTC in a safrole clorination  Bookmark   

(Hive Bee)
10-26-01 16:13
No 229037
      Re: Acetone as a PTC in a safrole clorination  Bookmark   

poly(ethylene gylcol)