PolytheneSam (Master Searcher)
03-04-02 03:16
No 276470
      electroreduction of amides to amines  Bookmark   

While looking through some electrochemistry books in the library I found one sentence on reducing amides to amines  electrolytically.

Ferner lassen sich durch dieses Reduktionsverfahren, freilich mit nur geringer Strom- and Materialausbeute, Amide zu dem entsprechenden Aminen reduzieren.

which freetranslation.com translates to

Furthermore leave itself through this reduction procedure, to be sure with only slighter current and Materialausbeute, Amide to the corresponding Aminen reduce itself.

Ausbeute is yield which it didn't translate probably since it was in the compound word Materialausbeute.  One foot note gives the reference Ber. 32, 68 (1899) which I have to order from storage.  I didn't find any books written in English which discuss this process.

03-04-02 08:31
No 276567
      Re: electroreduction of amides to amines  Bookmark   

Furthermore by this reduction (procedure) itīs possible to reduce amides to the correspondending amines, but yields are low. (what "Strom" means - I cannot exactly determine. Perhaps flow/speed of processing, itīs a question of context.

haven`t forgotten it - low on time, sorry

"I hope I'm becoming more eccentric. More room, you know.
 More room in the brain."
(Hive Photographer)
03-04-02 12:46
No 276622
      Re: electroreduction of amides to amines  Bookmark   

Strom = current, unit ampere
03-04-02 22:13
No 276847
      Re: electroreduction of amides to amines  Bookmark   

oh thank ya,
but also "Strom" could be a "very big river" what would make no sense also. Itīs not "thy blind leading thy naked" here, okay?

Hat der alte Hexenmeister
sich doch einmal fortbegeben
und nun sollen seine Geister
auch nach meinem Willen leben!

Seine Wort und Werke merkt ich
und den Brauch
und mit Geistesstärke
tu ich Wunder auch.

(a little grandmaster Goethe, soīs beliebt?)laugh
who oviously was attentive in schoolwink

"I hope I'm becoming more eccentric. More room, you know.
 More room in the brain."
03-04-02 22:14
No 276846
      Re: electroreduction of amides to amines  Bookmark   

once is enoughblush
(Master Searcher)
03-05-02 01:40
No 276942
      Re: electroreduction of amides to amines  Bookmark   

When looking through one of my German books recently I found something that discussed cognates which appear to be similarly spelled words which mean the same thing or almost the same thing in two different languages.  'Strom' in German seems to be a cognate to 'Stream' in English.  Strom in electricity looks like it would translate to current in English, though.

3 a : related by descent from the same ancestral language
See http://www.m-w.com

(Master Searcher)
03-06-02 01:15
No 277421
      Re: electroreduction of amides to amines  Bookmark   

Der Zauberlehrling, Herr Orgy.
