TheBlindGenius (Stranger)
03-21-02 14:55
No 286058
      Using Al2O3 instead of Al Foil  Bookmark   

SWIM wants to do a reductive amination of MDP2P to MDMA with Al/Hg and nitromethane ala Methyl Man.  Now, SWIM has access to some chemicals. Is there anything she could use instead of aluminum foil that would be better. SWIM heard that Al turnings can be used, somewhere else SWIM heard that's wrong, and that Al2O3 is supposed to be used.
(Hive Bee)
03-21-02 15:47
No 286079
      I'm no genius, but I don't think so  Bookmark   

Part of the point is to reduce the ketone and imine once it's produced.  Okay, so you have Al2O3, this means that a rather vigorous reaction is going to occur, as Al2O3 converted to 2Al(OH)3 and that's one of the driving forces of the reaction as I understand it.  Probably too fast.  Just a thought, but how would you control that reflux?  I guess A WHOLE LOT LESS Hg salt.  What's wrong with Al foil?

BTW, I may be completely full of shit, but Post 269032 (Osmium: "Re: Hg Amalgamation rates", Chemistry Discourse) is a great explanation of the reaction creating the reduction.

Who wants to play cops and dope fiends?
(Master Searcher)
03-21-02 17:02
No 286104
(Rated as: excellent)

Also, Al2O3 + 3H2O --> 2Al(OH)3 is not reduction.
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(Hive Bee)
03-21-02 17:09
No 286109
      Amalgamations/reductions  Bookmark   

Al2O3 + 3H2O ----------> 2Al(OH)3

Al + 3H2O ----------> Al(OH)3 + H2 + H+ + e

This is how I've always envisioned what was going on.  There is some Al2O3 that is destroyed and from there on out it's a reaction with Al and H2O that create H+ for the reduction.  Would you say that sounds right, Max?

Who wants to play cops and dope fiends?
(Bear With Me)
03-21-02 17:23
No 286113
      blah, blah, blah  Bookmark   

When you reduce something, something else is oxidized.

Hence the term "redox."


Put your left leg down - your right leg up,
Tilt your head back - let's finish the cup!
(Master Searcher)
03-21-02 17:24
No 286114
      hyperbolic lymbroidia  Bookmark   

>Just looking for clarification.

Read what you wrote in your first post in this thread.
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(Hive Bee)
03-21-02 17:26
No 286116
      Oh  Bookmark   

I guess I wrote that kinda fast.  Don't I feel foolish.  Thanks Sam.

Who wants to play cops and dope fiends?
(Master Searcher)
03-21-02 17:54
No 286135
      edit  Bookmark   

I see you edited your posts, too.
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(Hive Bee)
03-22-02 16:32
No 286620
      Edited Posts  Bookmark   

Of course Sam.  I'm not for spreading bad info and will remove shitty posts as a matter of principle.  Just like you correct 'em as a matter of principle.  I know the difference between an oxidation and a reduction and now so does everybody else.  Goal accomplished.  You agree?

Who wants to play cops and dope fiends?
04-01-02 23:46
No 291325
      So, In a Nutshell......  Bookmark   

Like a history teacher of SWIM's would say, "in a nutshell" what does this mean? Can I use Al turnings. The reason I'd rather use Al turnings is because I don't have to worry about cutting the aluminum foil the right size or getting the right kind or getting reported for buying a case. Also, wouldn't the reaction run faster?
04-02-02 02:21
No 291399
      The problem is, the reaction may run TOO fast ...  Bookmark   

The problem is, the reaction may run TOO fast (violently).
(Hive Addict)
04-02-02 13:10
No 291519
      A side note about thin al foil  Bookmark   

An Al/HG with nitro was run in modified 5 gallon paint bucket. 30gms of rynolds heavy duty with 30gms regular renoyalds amalgamated with Hg2I2 in 500ml MeOH. when amalgamation complete AL/MeOH is added with another 650 ml MeOH to the Rxn Vessel . 45 gms of nitro with 55 gms ketone and 50mlMeoH was added over 30 mins.  The rxn was at full blast right before the addition of the ketone/nitro and had returned to room temp by 2.5 hrs. a small ammount of Meoh escaped the condensor right after the last addition of ketone.  There is alot of head room in a bucket with a rxn this size. do not recomend trying thinner alumnium with smaller vessels but with a bucket it works great. you can go from ketone to salt in just about 4hrs.