guyincognito (Hive Bee)
04-12-02 13:34
No 296137
      Naoh replaced by Na2CO3??  Bookmark   

Could Naoh be replaced by Na2CO3 (caustic ash) to be used to adjust ph in the cyano method? - the maunfacturer says it can be used for ph control or acid nutralization - and its cheaper.

Other than the cyano method - what is the next best (best yield/ easy chems to obtain?) 

I heard there is a formic method - would someone please let me know a good thread on a recipe that works for that method method.
(Hive Addict)
04-12-02 13:54
No 296142
      Fizzing  Bookmark   

Yes carbonates can be used to neutralise acids (adjust pH), the only problem is that carbon dioxide is released producing bubbling and fizzing.

Because hydroxides do not release any gasses when added to acids they are normally preferred.

Also you will need more carbonate to neutralise one mole of acid than if you were using a hydroxide

Nobodys home
(Hive Bee)
04-12-02 22:44
No 296346
      UTFSE  Bookmark   

The cyano method is used to reductively aminate MDP-2-P.  The PERformic method is used to oxidize isosafrole to MDP-2-P.  There is the Leukart(sp.?) reaction that uses formamide and formic acid to reductively aminate.  Be more specific in your questions, or UTFSE.wink

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