humidbeing (Can't SWIM)
05-29-02 15:58
No 315765
      epoxide shelf life  Bookmark   

Swim UTFSE, and while not going over all 759 posts, did
not see any info on the shelf life or storage of isosaf
Any bees have any refs?

CG I miss you sweety, I really do.
05-29-02 16:18
No 315769
      Using the search engine takes some patience  Bookmark   

Post 305723 (Osmium: "He said he wanted to store it, not hydrolysing ...", Newbee Forum)
(Can't SWIM)
05-29-02 16:35
No 315774
      error  Bookmark   

Hey Lugh, swim gets an error mssg saying post cannot
be found.

CG I miss you sweety, I really do.
05-29-02 17:11
No 315785
      Thread  Bookmark   

Sorry about that, the thread starts with Post 305643 (aznxprophetxtasy: "Epoxide storage length....", Newbee Forum) then Post 305697 (Vibrating_Lights: "begin to hy6drolize it", Newbee Forum) & the answer can be found in Post 305723 (Osmium: "He said he wanted to store it, not hydrolysing ...", Newbee Forum)
(Can't SWIM)
05-29-02 17:31
No 315787
      epoxide shelf life  Bookmark   


CG I miss you sweety, I really do.
06-02-02 10:19
No 316837
      epoxide shelf life  Bookmark   

SWIS7 "stored" oxone epoxide on the bench for 16 days then ran reactions with completly normal yields.  wink Also stored crude ketone for 3 weeks in the fridge and actually got rather high yields, for SWIS7 anyways. Maybe because SWIS7 is used to rather crap MM nitro yields (about 35%) the degredation in storage dose not make a noticeable effect, but it is more likely that the degredation of reasonably clean (neutral pH) crude ketone is minimal in the first month or so, at least. Perhaps only in the range of a few precent loss.

the 21st of the 12th 2012......