Nmethyl (Stranger)
07-18-03 21:59
No 448384
      NaBH4 yields with varying solvents?  Bookmark   

Almost everyone uses MeOH for their NaBH4, MDP2P -> MDMA reductions. Has anyone tried using EtOH or IPOH?

Just wondering if anyone had noticed any yield variation with using bulkier alcohols?

The general concensus will probably be to use MeOH, but I just want to hear from the more adventurous out there.
(Hive Addict)
07-18-03 22:04
No 448385
      utfse  Bookmark   

Post 328680 (Barium: "A really wet reductive alkylation", Novel Discourse)

oligopoly: the control of supply of a good or service  by a limited number of sellers.
07-18-03 22:20
No 448387
      I don't remember asking anything about ...  Bookmark   

I don't remember asking anything about that...I want actual tried and tested yields first-hand.

Sometimes just seems to easy for some people to type UTFSE than give an intelligent response!
(Hive Addict)
07-18-03 22:47
No 448389
      Pleasure to help  Bookmark   

NaBH4 yields with varying solvents?

Are you saying that Water and Toluene are not varying solvents to Methanol?

I want actual tried and tested yields first-hand.

So, are you saying that Barium is bullshitting?

Sometimes just seems to easy for some people to type UTFSE than give an intelligent response!

Sometimes it just seems easy for some people to can others that are trying to help, rather than admit that their questions weren't properly worded.

Have a nice day

oligopoly: the control of supply of a good or service  by a limited number of sellers.
07-18-03 23:03
No 448391
      looky here Pa  Bookmark   

Your comments would hold some value if they weren't just based on the title for the thread. If you go on to *actually* read the question then you will see reference to only alcohols as the varying solvents.

Obviously you had nothing to contribute to the thread except misguided observations.

My question was worded quite well, but maybe the ear of wheat between your teeth and your collar rubbing on your sunburn was enough to distract you from reading it?

Any genuine responses are quite welcome, thanks.
(Hive Addict)
07-18-03 23:28
No 448394
      B.K. time  Bookmark   

Your comments would hold some value if they weren't just based on the title for the thread.

The title of your thread happens to be succeeded by something that is commonly referred to as "A question mark".

Question marks are commonly denoted with this symbol- "?"

It's use in the written form is to imply the asking of a question.

In future when I see one of your posts, rather than attempting to assist you with my very limited knowledge, I will just reach out for another ear of wheat and put on some sunscreen.wink

oligopoly: the control of supply of a good or service  by a limited number of sellers.
(Chief Bee)
07-19-03 17:03
No 448515
      NaBH4 reductions in varying solvernts  Bookmark   

NaBH4 reductions in varying solvernts:

Post 439898 (LaBTop: "No. Wrong.", Newbee Forum)
Post 433651 (FriendlyFinger: "I've done a bit of reading and found that...", Methods Discourse)
Post 26600 (Beaker: "2CB for the LAH impaired", Methods Discourse) (and the rest of that thread)
Post 406984 (Barium: "MeOH is a good solvent for NaBH 4 reductions...", Methods Discourse) (and the rest of that thread)