del72 (Stranger)
08-16-03 12:06
No 453898
      reaction times for regioselective halogenation?  Bookmark   

My friend is going to be doing the regioselective iodination on 2CH using oxone and KI via this route on rhodiums site-../rhodium /oxone.aromatic.iodination.html.  The synthesis says that the the reaction was monitored using TLC until complete.  It is not  practical for my friend to monitor using TLC, so he was wondering if any bees who have carried out this reaction could suggest reaction times.  I have utfse with no luck so any help would be appreciated.

ApoStLe oF cHaoS
(Hive Bee)
08-17-03 05:28
No 454017
      UTFSE!  Bookmark   

UTFSE for iodination, 2C-I and Barium.