roddyjojo (Stranger)
11-30-03 09:50
No 473856

../rhodium /dihydromorphinones.html

Regarding the text available at the posted link, and the codeine -> dihydrocodeinone (hydrocodone) by rearrangement, can Nickel (Nickel metal or Nickel on Aluminum) be used in place of Pd/Pt in this reaction? I've read somewhere that it can but at some sacrifice to yields, however cannot recall the source.

Also if a powdered mixture of Nickel and Copper and roughly evening amounts was used, how would the presence of the Copper affect the reaction?

12-12-03 02:37
No 476268
      Has anyone done such synth: codeine ->...     

Has anyone done such synth: codeine -> dihydrocodeinone (hydrocodone) ? It seems as it would be very mg efficient (less hydrocodone is needed than codeine to achieve euphoria)
(Hive Bee)
12-12-03 05:01
No 476299
      No - do more reading...     

No - do more reading...

LoneR says that Pd in dry toluene (rather than acidic aqueous solution) yeilds 30% (see alt.d.c). note even rapoport was apparently unable to replicate this hydrogenation/dehydrogenation to obtain the hydrogenated ketone with any kind of yield.