WarmRushes (Stranger)
12-22-03 16:22
No 478544
      Micro-scale synthesis of MDMA  Bookmark   

I know this has been covered before but is there a thread that has a easy to follow write-up on micro-scale synthesis of MDMA such as BrigtStars workup in laymans terms.  Thanks in advance.


"Beter Living Thru Chemistry"
(Old P2P Cook)
12-22-03 17:42
No 478559
      Don't cross post.  Bookmark   

Dont' post the same question in multiple forums.

All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.
(Hive Addict)
12-26-03 23:49
No 479241
      A brightstar in laymens terms???  Bookmark   

HAHAHAHAHAAHEHahah... Umm, buddy, brightstars paper is in laymens terms!!! The level of chemistry/terms used in that synth are very few and far betwen. You should know each term and have a good idea of what is going on in the reactions of that synth to be doing any synthesis.... And from what I remember of that writeup he explained everyhing!!

Yea, wasn't it something like "mdma sythesis for the first time chemist"!!!

There are of course, a few other simpler methods, but I'll trust you can can find them under "MDMA" on the archives page!!