hest (Hive Adickt)
03-05-04 11:52
No 493211
      Writing an review of CTH reductions     

Hi Bee’s. Some years ago one of the ‘standard’ ways from nitropropen to aminopropane was over the LiAlH4 reduction. These days are (happily) over.
To day the standard way is reduction from the nitropropene to the propane and then some kind of reduction. The CTH reduction (with Pd/C and an H donor (like AmForm ect.) is the one with best yield.
I think that especially the CTH red need’s a good write-up (and I will make such one) but I can’t doo it without the help from the rest of the hive. So please writ your own eksp. With this nice synthesis here, and ill transform it into something easily red (and doo some eksp. If needed. Now there is so many diff. routs’ with water or alcohol as solvent ect.
PM the synth, write it here or just give mee a link.
04-01-04 21:09
No 498582
      nitropropene CTH     

well SWIAs experience was that yields of phenyl-2-nitropropene CTH with Pd/C and ammonium formate were rather low, compared to borohydride reduction (to the nitropropane) followed by CTH, but he told me he'll keep on experimenting w/direct reduction of nitropropene... smile

here are writeups of SWIAs tries, with
more success (using borohydride):
Post 497521 (armageddon: "back to the subject    ;^)", Novel Discourse)

and (almost) no success, direct CTH on styrene was attempted ;)
Post 493102 (armageddon: "Pd/C without pressure works!", Methods Discourse)

My organic textbook tells me that phenyl-2-aminopropane is obtained in good yield via catalytic hydrogenation of phenylacetone and ammonia over a raney-nickel catalyst under pressure...

..but since pressure isn't what we really want, perhaps the "urushibara-style amphetamine" writeup on rhodiums page is the key? Something that has to be tested...

Greetz A
(The Archetypical "Good Guy")
04-01-04 23:40
No 498607
      CTH writeup     

I have worked alot with the CTH reductions aswell. But each time there has been a litle "tweek" or fuckup in the synth, which means that conclusions could not be drawn. I believe i will have enough data for a writeup in a week or so.

But yes Hest, a nice writeup would be a very good idea. It seems that there are so many factors to tweek in these reductions that a total writeup would be called for.


Nuke the whales!
04-02-04 10:23
      CTH MW*
(Rated as: insignificant)